Chapter 22 : The excuse

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She was confused and scared of knowing the truth but knowing it will help her make a decision about whether to tell Ryle the truth about her past with Garrett or to hide it from him even if it will be fucking hard to look at his eyes but she will do it if she discovers that she was just like any other girl Garrett has met . Back to the hotel bedroom . Garrett woke up first , he made a coffee and took a pill for his hangover . Emily was sleeping like an angel so he got in the bathroom which was in the bedroom , he had a shower . Then He walked out , trying to be so quiet . He stayed starring at Emily sleeping , admiring her . After several minutes , she woke up so he pretended to look for something in his suitcase . She opened her eyes and remembered last night . Then she wished that that didn't happen and regretted telling Garrett her feelings . She thought " No Emily . Why did you fucking tell him the struggling that you have been through when he moved from Boston . But he deserves it . Even if he seems arrogant and greedy , he has to feel guilty after my speech . I don't know .Oh my dear , look at his face , so pale . Maybe what I did was wrong because sometimes so many things need to still hidden for a long time . But I was going to ask him why did he broke up with me not tell him my struggles . All of that is because of my stupidity . Is it too hard to tell Ryle that I'm in a work trip with my boss . Actually , it's not but I forgot . Things went fast and I'm always stupid when I'm him . I wonder why ? I just forget that I exist when I'm with him . When I look at his eyes I just feel like I'm flying . I feel alive and I feel butterflies in my stomach . It's cliché but I really feel that way . Sometimes I want to know what is he doing . Sometimes , I want to stare at him for a lifetime and never be bored . Sometimes I want to run and kiss him . Sometimes I want to stalk him and hit every woman who stares at him or talk to him or touch him . Sometimes when I'm asleep I imagine waking up with him beside me then he gives me a kiss and says that I need to wake up and that he loves so much . Sometimes  I imagine him carrying me in his arms after a long party at 5 am because I was drunk just like he did after my fight with Ryle . And sometimes I imagine my marriage with Ryle and ask myself " would Garrett come ? or how would he feel if I get married ? or maybe he will come with his girlfriend ? " . Don't judge me , I love Ryle , i really do . He is my first love . Oh no , I still don't know if he has a girlfriend or not . Should I ask him ? What the fuck am I saying ? Am I still in love with him ? Can we go back together again ? . God , Emily . Stop that . Go back to reality . Yes , open your eyes and go back to reality "

She opened her eyes " God . What is he doing here ? "

Then she came back to reality and said to him " What the fuck are you doing ? "

He panicked " Nothing , just looking for some clothes " he answered awkwardly 

She frowned " With a towel  around your waist ? "

" Yes , i had a shower . "

' His abs . God , he is  hardening things . Is he doing this purposely ? . Oh gosh . I can't stop looking at these biceps . Emily , stop please . " She thought

She cursed under her breath " we have a deal right ? . The bedroom is all mine "

" I can't have a shower ? "

" You can't if you don't have my permission "

He scowled  , she continued screaming " Stop scowling . And if i was nacked here ? "

" Relax . You weren't . Plus , You hate sleeping nacked "

She laughed angrily " God . You're pathetic . I'm just speechless . " She was still laying on the bed .

She was really confused about what is his next step . And he seemed confused too because he just kept digging in his suitcase . So she just said lying " Sorry . But after yesterday , i can't stay any other minute with you . I think i'm gonna buy a ticket and go back to Boston . "

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