Chapter 5: the past

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There is no such thing as bad people . We are all just people who sometimes do bad things . It's true , Garrett wasn't a bad person , she knows him , she knows his heart , there are circumstances which pushed Garrett to do bad things . She believes in that with the bottom of her heart but what are these circumstances ? Why did Garrett leave her ? Why did he break her heart ? She has billions of similar questions in her head and she wanted to ask Garrett maybe he will answer those questions but will those answers make her forget the pain , the suffering ,the loneliness and all the nights that she spent crying in her bedroom . No , it's impossible . Garrett is not the one and he will not be . There is Ryle now . Why not ? he is a handsome guy , it's true they didn't get along in the past but they were so young when they dated , they were reckless and careless . They were teens . She didn't know maybe it's Ryle and maybe not . She will just ride the tide. It's her second day , she was a little bit afraid and excited . She got to the company with the card . Everyone was in a rush . They seemed so confused . She saw Mr . Aspen who was cleaning the floor so she said to him , touching her hair  : " hi Mr. Aspen . What's wrong with them ? . Is there a problem . they seem frightened

He answered rushly " Every day in this company , there is a problem . You have to get used to it . Have a good day  "

She was confused " Thank you "

She frowned then went to Ryle's room , he was irritated . She knocked and got in  : " Hi, Ryle . Sorry I'm late . There was traffic . What's going on ? everyone seems confused

He was really angry , scowled and said " You would better not the next time and yes there is a problem . A hacker got to all the data of the customers and now he is ordering us to give him 100000 dollars . Do you understand now ?

She thought : - " what the fuck is he doing ? I'm not his slave . He had no right to do this to me especially after yesterday's conversation . It was so rude " . Then Garrett's assistant came , she was rude just like everyone here  and said : " The CEO is waiting for you "

They got up and went to the meeting's room . Garrett was there , so angry as normal . He invited them to sit then he said screaming and scowling : " what where you doing ? why did I hire you ? To sit on your fucking chairs all day ? . What the fuck is going on with you guys ? you need to find a solution . You have two days . Two damn days . Or all of you will be fired . Understood ?

Ryle was squezing his palm " What ? Two days  "  Garrett looked at him , ready to fight " Yes . Is that a problem ? . I think you should have thought about all of that before letting the hacker hack our system and steal our customers informations . Am i right ? "

She thought " Okay . I think i'm gonna be fired now or tomorrow . It doesn't matter . I just wanna have some fun .  let's  just fight him , for argument's sake . I can't be fired before making him angry . Yeah , you can do it , Girl "

Everyone was terrified to anwer so Emily said " Two days is not enough to do all of that " 

He scowled this time , she thought his eyebrows were going to fly in the air " You don't know shit about that . So , stay calm " She was going to answer him but Garrett continued " Okay , the meeting is over . Solve this or all of you are fired "  . Ryle and all the team were nervous ater this damn meeting . Dean was the responsible one but all of them were too because they were a team but what is Emily's fault ? . She had just been hired . She thought :  " That's ok maybe this job is not distend for me " . They went to Ryle's room , sadly then Dean said : " I'm so sorry Ryle and every one I'm aware that all of you could be fired because of me . I'm really sorry "

 Ryle waved his hands in the air enthusiastically " That's ok . We are a team and we are going to solve this problem . Come on people . We have a lot of work to do "

Emily touched her hair then said  : " Ok guys . I think I have a plan . First of all , we need to stay calm . The hacker just wants to disturb us so we need to be careful and cautious . I know that from my father's job . Don't worry , a lot of succesful companies have been through that a lot of times . OK , then Cindy you have to take the source computers off of the network and help Dean identify the damage done and confirm the type of attack , also check for backdoors which hackers may have set up to enable future access to your system . But before that , Dean you need to determine which IP addresses were used in the attack . Me and Ryle are going to find this bastard . Understood ?

They were all surprised but they liked the idea . Ryle said empressed  : " WOW , I didn't expect that , you surprised me BADASS "

" That's ok . I'm taking that as a compliment " she said sarcastically and he laughed and the work begun . It took a day for Dean to identify the address and the next day , Thank God , after going to the address , they found out that the hacker was a child . It was easier than she expected . They threatened him to go to the police and he just apologized . Emily was surprised that a child can hack a whole company so an idea crossed her mind . Why doesn't he work with them ? . Ryle liked the idea too . They went back to the company and informed Garrett with the up-dates . He didn't seem surprised . I think he just knows that Emily is capable of any thing and he accepted to hire the child and help him with his education because he dropped out of school . They had a meeting after this success , Garrett was smiling but definetely he was hiding his beautiful smirk ,  he said : " I really appreciate your work Guys . Especially you Emily , the team told me that it was your plan . So now I think we should go and celebrate " . Emily was astonished . Was she daydreaming ? Was that Ryle? All of the employers with the CEO gathered but Ryle wasn't there so she told them to go alone , and she will joint later . She went to Ryle's office to see him and he looked sad so she knocked and said trying to change his mood " If you're afraid of me stealing  your position , don't worry i won't , and i  can teach you if you want " He laughed and said " No , thank you " He stayed calm for a minute then said " Emily , I'm sorry for earlier . I didn't mean that . I'm really sorry . You know this hacker thing really bothered me "   She said smiling " No , don't worry . I already forgot about it . That's why you're sad ? . Or did Garrett say something ? . Please , don't tell me that you're still thinking about that mysterious girl " 

" No , it's not that . It's nothing actually . Just tired " 

" Okay as you like , gossip Emily is not gonna ask you more questions . Ahh , i came here to tell you that we are going to celebrate our success . In a bar . Do you wanna come ? "

He sighed and said " No , thank you . I just want a shower now and my bed " 

She smiled " Are you sure ? No girls . No VBF ? 

" what is VBF ? "

" You're disappointing me . Very busy fucking ". 

" It makes no sense . But i understood . Yes  , no VBF " 

" Okay . If you change your mind . we are gonna be in James' bar . Bye .Have a good night " 

" You too "

and she joined them to the bar . Garrett too . He was so classy and attractive . She thought : - " All the girls at the bar are looking at him just like always . I hate this party. But I have just known that he is single because he didn't bring a girl to the party but maybe she is out of town maybe she is sick . Emily For fuck's sake stop being ridiculous it's none of your business " they were making eye contact when a boy asked Emily for a dance . She felt a flinch in Garrett's face . He didn't move . Just stayed waiting for her reaction . She refused of course .But the guy didn't stop and tried to make a conversation just like when they were 16 years old at the other fucking party . Garrett came forward and stayed in front of them . Her heart was beating so fast that she thought they could hear the sound .But Garrett stayed calm . And thank god , he stroke while iron was hot then said :" Alton what are you doing here ?

" Garrett hey , my friend " she thought : friend WTF " he continued : - I'm having fun . You ? the guy said

" Me and my team came here to celebrate . Do you know Emily ? She is one of my employees " Garrett said nervously pointing at her

He smiled at her "  Yes , i was asking her for a dance , but it was good meeting you buddy . What are you celebrating ? 

" Come with me and I will tell you the details " Garrett answered avoiding her

" Ok bye ,Emily "

What a day ! Emily was just speechless

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