Chapter 26 : The truth

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They got on the car , he was silent , probably thinking about their last conversation . Her cheeks were red because she totally regretted what she said earlier . she thought "  I think I'm gonna let fate play this time . Just I wish this dinner is gonna end well . God don't let me down please ."

They arrived to the hotel . Her mom was sitting in one of the sofas of the reception , she was scrolling through her phone , they were in front of the door , she thought " Ok Emily , just act normally , this cute guy beside me is Ryle , my lovely boyfriend and he is gonna act perfectly  , but if you screw that up , you're gonna be killed for real this time and by your own mother . So inhale exhale , yeah " she breathed in and out the air , put a fake smirk then said to this lovely guy beside her who was sitting beside her in front pf the door " So we're not gonna make her suspicious , act normally , I'm your girlfriend , it's been almost two months , we're not planning to get married , we work together as computer engineers . Also my mom is so cool , you can talk about everything in front of her  . And I have ailurophobia it means i fear cats . What else , I like all flowers there is no specific one .... "

He interrupted her saying " I know all of that "

She frowned , very astonished and answered "  What ? oohhhh , you still remember . You're surprising me Garrett Kandinsky . Ok but please don't screw it up "

He answered scowling " You're the one who is gonna screw this up . Stop being nervous . It's gonna be good . Come on , let's go , I got you "

He hold her waist 

" God , his touch is so warm and soft . God , i think i can faint right now " She thought 

He looked at her and whispered " Are you okay ? "

He was aware of the impact of his touch , she nodded .

 and they got forward to the reception where her mom was sitting , he said smiling

" Hi , Ms . Auburn , I'm sorry about this morning , I hadn't had a chance to say hey . Emily was the only one talking "

She smiled , impressed by his gentleness and said " That's ok young man . My daughter is a really talkative person " he laughed in a fake way but Emily was so impressed about how this guy in front of her can change from scowling to laughing in this short time . So impressing ! . Her mom continued " Come on guys . I'm so hungry . let's go "

They got on one of the hotel restaurants , had a table . The waiter came , gave them the menu . It was so typical until Emily's mom begin talking . At that moment , Emily felt that a balloon was smashing her stomach into so many parts . She was so nervous because her mom wasn't stupid . No mother is stupid . They feel when something is wrong . She was afraid that Garrett was going to ruin this whole nonsense dinner . And that what made Emily anxious . So her mom said excitingly " So son what is my lovely daughter doing with you ? I hope that you are getting along "

She was going to answer her but he smiled and said " Yes , absolutely . Emily is so intelligent , smart , sometimes annoying but I'm totally fine with that . Actually , I think the whole goal of the dating thing is to find someone to annoy for the rest of your life " He hold her hand and looked like he was really in love with her , he mom smirked so impressed by his emotional talk then said "  Yeah , I totally agree with you son . You two remind me of my husband and I in our first year of marriage . We were really in love .  But work took all of our time . I hope that you don't end up like us " Garrett smiled still holding Emily's hand then said "  Absolutely not . And we were just talking in the car earlier about getting married " Emily looked at him , and gave him ' I'm gonna kill you later ' look , Emily's mom looked surprised at her daughter then said happily " You are that serious ? I'm so glad my dear , really happy for you . " Suddenly , a song begin to play and a bunch of people gathered to dance . So Garrett offered her to go dance , and even if dancing with Garrett is the last thing that she wants to do at that moment , it was a relief because another second with her mom and she will find herself fainting in the floor . She accepted and let his large palm wrap around hers , he pulled her gently behind him and dragged her where the small group was dancing . His hands were warm and giant . This is embarrassing but better than chatting with her mom . They stand there , she put her hand on his broad chest , feeling the warmth of it , he wrapped his hand around her waist , his face was so close to hers that she was smelling his scent . She tried to avoid that and said "  why the hell did you say that ? Garrett for fuck's sake "

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