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Six months later

Emily talking with her mother in the phone

- I know his death destroyed you but you need to be strong , dear . I'm sad too but sadness is not going to bring him back . And you know that very well . Work is gonna help forget about the past and get throw this . Believe me 

- I'm fine Mom , don't worry . I was  just tired so I decided to take a short break . I need to hang up now . Talk to you later

- Okay , sweetie . Take care of yourself . I'm gonna try to visit next week

- Bye Mom

It was almost five pm , She was trying to find the keys and open the door . After some seconds , she reached the door and got on her new house . She was really tired so the moment she reached the living room , she fall into the couch and took a nap

After one hour

Emily felt something warm and soft touching her feet . When she looked to see what was it , she started screaming and crying . It was a cat . Then Garrett came running , when he saw her , he hugged her  " I'm sorry , it was my fault , I let the door open . That silly cat  "

She hugged him back and said : How in the world did it get in ?

 -Sorry , I went to throw the garbage and I let the door open . Sorry I didn't know you were here

- Oh God , I'm smelling a tasty scent . Did you cook something ?

- Yes lasagna , your favorite .

- Oh God . Why are you doing that ? You have just finished your chemotherapy . Didn't you ?" he nodded and said : I love spoiling my girl then he hugged again

- What did I do to deserve you ?

- You seem sad . It's not about the cat . Is it ?

- It's not . The dog that I spend all my childhood with died today .

- Oh really I'm so sorry to hear about your loss "My sincere condolences"

- Thank you , she said sadly then continued : Your mom called me , she can't reach you so call her back . She is worried .

- ok . I will 

- So , What are we watching ?

- Outer banks season 2 is out . What do you think ?

- Are you kidding me ? . Okay stay here . I will grab the lasagna

He hold her hands and said : I'm sorry about the cat . I didn't pay attention to the door

- That's okay . I already forgot about it . Don't feel guilty .

People pass through our lives . Some of them fade into memories but a few become part of who you are .

Dear readers , Love is not to get married and have bunch of kids . Love is something more valuable . Love is to care about a person , to be willing to spend the rest of your life with that person .
A person who will be willing to walk out from your life if he wasn't your best interest
Aperson who would be willing to push you out of the way if there is a car that was about to run over you
A person who would say " the world deserves her a lot more than me "

A person who would say "  let's fix this . I can't lose you '

A person who would miss opportunities if it meant to be actually there for you
A person with whom you can talk all night and don't be bored of  , with whom you can share your sensitive problems

A person whom you will want to annoy for the rest of your life

A person who respects your fears , your flaws ....
And your love to this person will increase everyday .


                                                           The end 

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