Chapter 25 : the reason

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She got in the house , it's more beautiful than the one in Boston , so big and classy . It was almost nine am but it's dark in there . The windows are closed , no light , nothing . First , she passed by a big hall , then there was the living room , a big one , all the furniture were covered with white sheets , she thought  " Ok Emily , you're gonna grab the black file like Garrett said ,  I just  need to find this damn file and get my ass out of here because I'm scared right now , I hate old houses , at any moment , a disgusting insect can appear . Okay so what did Garrett said ? Okay . Remember , Remember . Yeah , he said after scowling of course that his dad's office is next to the living room . I bet there is more than five rooms in this house . " Rich people shit " ." she walked in the office , found the file and thought " What if I take a home tour just for a couple of minutes . Let's see where did Garrett lived for ten years ? I 'm just curious " then a voice from her brain answered " No you want to know what are these bad memories " then she thought again " Ohh yes . I'm afraid that it was about a girl . Maybe she broke his heart and there are so many photos of them in this house . I need to know otherwise I won't be able to sleep at night . Oh my gosh . I'm a total freak . I speak with myself , I want to spy in someone's house and Garrett is gonna kill me if I'm late another damn minute " At that moment a text came from Garrett " Where the fuck are you ? " then she heard a sound coming from one of the rooms . she thought " Okay . I think whether Garrett is gonna kill for taking this long in this shitty house or I'm gonna be killed by someone else in this house . So i'm gonna be killed any way . You're hilarious Emily . I think i need to quit this computer enginner thing and work as a comedian . Yes definitely , i will think about it . But now i have a bigger problem . Come on Emily , it's worth a shot . So let's see where this sound came from " then she walked in one of the rooms holding her phone with the flash open in her hand , she was scared and terrified then . The moment she opened the door , she screamed so relieved " thank god " , it was a cat . Probably , she came from the window but the weird thing that this cat was sitting on a hospital bed , she thought  " What the heck is a hospital bed doing here . Ohhhh no , was it Garrett's mom's ? . I was a total jerk thinking that all of this was about a girl . Oh goshh , damn it . So probably , she was sick and she died that's why no one talked about her . Oh poor Garrett and jerk me . Okay , I can't stand this house anymore . Get the hell out of here Emily or you will fall in tears " She got out then in Garrett's car . The moment she got in the car , he looked at her  for several seconds , she was imagining  fire  coming from his eyes , he was so angry  then said " Finally . Give me the file . What the hell took you so long ? "

She gave it to him but she seemed so sad after processing the whole "bad memories' things " then took his hands and said " I'm sorry for everything I said last night . I was so rude . maybe I was wrong , you had your excuses " he scowls and answered  " what's wrong with you this day ? You're acting so weird . What did you eat ? "

" Can you stop mocking me , please ? . And please try to be cheerful just one time . Did you ever smile ? or Do you know what ? It's my fault . Just never mind . Can we go now ? "

He didn't answer , he just started the engine and got in the road . After several minutes of silence , they got to the company , had a meeting . Emily understood what she had to do and what information they need from her . Actually , it turned out that it was just a one day thing so probably tomorrow they will be on the road returning to Boston . It was almost seven pm now , Emily was working and Garrett , opened the door and said quickly " So did you finish ? "

She gave him a glance then turned to write something " Yeah , almost "

" Ok , so can we go ? "

She answered while writing something on the computer " Yeah , you didn't forget about the dinner , right ? "

He  sat on one of the chairs in front of the desk and said " yeah I remember . It's just a dinner . I'll pretend that I'm Ryle , your boyfriend and the moment you see your mom again you will tell her the truth . Even if this is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever heard about , yes I'm in "

She answered still writing " I know but I can't tell her now . At least maybe later she will forget your face . Or maybe me and Ryle will break up "

he raised his eyebrows saying " For real ? . Did you say that you want to clear your mind first ? "

She liked the tone he said those two words , he seemed excited or happy . She was certain that her plan will work . Even if she thought she knows the truth now after seeing the hospital bed  , it's more important to hear it from him . She wants to make him say the truth . She wants him to hug her and apologize for he did . She answered : Yeah , i think that i cleared my mind . We're not meant to be together . He will find someone who really deserves him and it won't be me . And i don't think that after what i will say to him ,  he will forgive me . He'll feel sad , frustrated , hurted  but it's better for the two of us  . I think i love someone else , i think i will just break his heart if i don't break up with him now "

She wished that she could take those two sentences back but it's too late what's done is done . And he answered expressionless " I'm  sorry "  Actually he seemed sorry and sad . Maybe because he remembered last night's conversation or maybe because Ryle is his brother eventually .

" Don't be . what's done is done . Maybe it's fate . Don't worry . I'm no longer mad at you . Actually , I'm the one who forgot to tell her boyfriend that she was going on a work trip with her boss . Really , it's okay . It wasn't just this trip . The other night  , he had a fight too "

She thought " Oh gosh Emily , this is pathetic "

" Really what was it about ? "

" do i need to answer him ? " she thought 

" Oh , he asked me to quit working for you and work with him "

He raised his eyebrows , this time surprised and answered " Oh that's why he said that you can work there , he meant the company . And what did you say ? "

" I said i will think about it . Why are you interested ? , she said astonished by his closeness 

He put his forarm on the desk then said " Just curious . Do you miss him ? 

" how ? . Ryle ? "

" Yes "

" No "

" Did you love him ? "

" Yes , i loved him . I loved him a lot . But like my brother . I thought we could make it work but i was wrong . Especially , when there is someone else in your mind "

 " Are you gonna quit ? " He tried to change the subject because he knows she was talking about him , That that someone else was him .

" I don't know . Maybe . Working for Ryle's dad doesn't make sense . But who's gonna pay my bills ? "

" I will take the company . So you're working for me "

" Really ? "

" YES , You want to work for me ? "

She stopped writing , and started playing with pen bt turning it in her hands " But , still , you're his brother "

" Okay , think about it . But think closely . Don't rush things out . Are you done ? "

" Yes . Let's go "

  they got out of the company . All the work is done . The only problem now is This dinner 

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