Chapter 14 : the torture

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We should strive for all those precious moments . The moments when we feel happy and delighted , for the moments when we can smile and believe that our life is worth a shot . A shot to forget about all your flaws , your problems and your defeats , a shot to ignore your difficulties and live a life full of big smiles and satisfaction , a shot to try to be satisfied even if you think you have lost because no one lose we all win valuable lessons from our mistakes , a shot to try to be happy . And being with the right person is going to make that happen . Emily was confused , The only thing she could think about at that moment is Ryle and his unexpected proposal . She arrived to the company , got out of the car and went to take the elevator . In her way there , she saw Mr . Aspen and she got happy because now he is the only one that he could advise her , she greeted him and said " You look so much better this time ."

" Yeah . But you don't . What's wrong ? The arrogant guy again ? " he asked laughing

" How could you know that it was a guy ? I just said someone "

" I'm an old man but not a stupid one " He sighed " If you now what happened to the man who is standing in front of you all his life and the difficulties that he had been through , you would not be surprised  . Ok now . What's the problem ? Did he bother you ? "

" No .... Yes.... I don't know "

" Well , i think you're confused . Okay tell me what did Our Ceo , Garrett , do to you ? " 

She opened her eyes widely , not knowing what to say , with so many questions turning in her head .

 He smiled " Don't worry , your secret is safe with me "

she frowned " How the fuck did you know it was him ? . Sorry , but the whole company don't know about our past , litterally , even my mom . It would be so crazy if someone knew "

His expression turned serious now " I said don't worry . You're the kid that i didn't have " 

" Really ? . You didn't have children . But you said that you have a family to feed "

" Yes , not mine though . My sister's . She is a widow " 

" Ohhh , I'm so sorry . Are they okay ? . They are studying or working ? . How many ? . Sorry , i'm a little nosy . I didn't mean to interfere in something that doesn't concern me .... " 

He stopped cleaning the ground and  interrupted her " That's okay . There are three . They are studying . Still young for working  " He smiled " Yeah , i have noticed that you are nosy " 

She tilted her head and pushed her body againt the wall " Ohh , i think you are too since you know everythig that happens in the whole company "

 He continued cleaning the ground " Don't be angry , young lady ..... " 

She interrupted him " No , I'm not . But really how did you know ? . I hope you didn't hear it from someone . Because if you did , this is not a good thing " 

He didn't lift his head from the ground , still cleaning " No , i didn't . I saw you two looking at each other the other day . And i would be blind if i didn't realize the love in the air " 

She frowned " Really ? " 

" Yes "

" So you think that we - Actually there is no we - Me and Garrett love each other . No , that's bullshit "

" If you say so " He didn't believe her 

" No . Really . At least , i - Me - don't like him " She stayed calm for a second , thinking about the fact that Garrett still likes her , than she remembered the waiter who said the same words as the old man . she thought " Okay , maybe , he just feels a little thing but not love . That's impossible . The problem that i still like him . God . I just confessed that i love him  to myself . A big step . Maybe i will be able to say it out loud someday . I wish at least "

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