Chapter 10 : the betrayal

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Nothing stays hidden for a long time , be it good or bad . And Emily was insisting that she will find the thief . Another day in the company with another adventure as usual . Actually , she liked her work even though since she begun working , she didn't spend a day without a problem . She doesn't even astonish when something goes wrong . And that day , in the middle of the road , her car broke down so she was obliged to park the car and go see what was the problem ? but fortunately , Ryle was passing by and when he saw her , he stopped his car near her and got out 

" Hi , beautiful lady . Can I have your number ?

" Hi . No , sorry . My mom told me not to talk to strangers "

They laughed  then they returned to their serious expression he said  " How can I help you? Is there a problem ?

She sighed " Oh , yes . My car just broke down and I don't know what to do . I suck in fixing cars . GOD , why am I this unlucky ? 

" That's Ok , Get in my car and I will call an auto mechanic "

She smiled " Ohhh , really ? "

" No , i'm kidding " 

She smiled " It's not funny by the way . And thank you , i wasn't wrong when i said ' you're my little angel " besides little of course "

After he called the mechanic , he calmed her down and said " Don't worry . Your car will be in front of your door after tomorrow morning "

" Thank you Ryle . Okay , let's go . We have so many work " 

" Wait . Are you really in the mood for  work now ?"

" I'm not but i have to . Okaay , what are you thinking about ? " 

" Let's have some fun "

She pointed at her watch wrist" It's eight in the morning " 

" Don't you want to meet our old friends . Come on . It's forty five minutes drive . I can call work and tell them that we can't go today . So simple "He looked at her with that pure and cute look

" You're a manipulative person . Okay , then , let's go " 

She thought : " GOD , I think I'm falling in love . Ryle is a very gentle , seductive and handsome guy not like the other bastard  . It's like the ideal person for me" . They got there , she met her old friends , had fun . And got back . The next day ,  After she got to the company , she greeted all the team and stayed a while just to notice any suspicious things but no she didn't . Dean , Poppy and Cindy were just working as usual . Nothing to suspect , no shoes , clothes , watches .... Absolutely nothing . This mission is going to be harder than she thought . Then she returned to her office to continue her work . At 5 pm , she needed Ryle's signature for a paper work but when she was going to knock on his door , she heard him saying : " The account that I told you to open with the name of my mother . I need the money from it " A 300.000 dollars " because I need to buy a yacht . I would appreciate if I find tomorrow the money and thank you " Then he hanged up . She was astonished and felt some dizziness . She thought  " No , GOD , I can't believe my ears . Ryle is the thief . He robbed the company . OMG , what am I going to do ? But no I can't just stay calm . Even if Ryle is my best friend and I kind of feel something toward him , I can't defend him , I can't . I'm sorry Ryle " . Then she went to Garret's office . He was working  , she got in even though his assistant told her not to . He looked at her , ordered the assistant to go out so she  she said   after sitting on the chair :

 " Sorry for interrupting but Ryle is the bastard "

" What ? what bastard "

She touched her hair "  I mean the thief . I heard him" and she told him every thing

He got angry then went to Ryle's office , hit the door and  said screaming : " I knew it was you . I knew it 

Emily was behind him 

" What are you talking about ? hey , calm down "

" After all what he did , he is still denying " Then he looked at Emily

Ryle frowned " Denying what , Garrett ? . Can you explain to me what are you talking about because I'm clueless right now . "

 He scowled " Clueless ? You robbed us , transferring the money to an anonymous account and now you're buying with my money a yacht with 300.000 dollars . You're still clueless ? "

" What the fuck are you saying ? I opened an account for my mom with my father's money not your money . And the yacht , I'm going to buy with my father's inherence too if It doesn't bother you ?

He  was surprised , after a long second of silence , Garrett just got out of the room , baring his teeth . Emily was so sad and she regretted her attitude and her judgment because she misunderstood the situation , she could just ask him about what she heard but no , she made judgment and jumped to conclusions  before hearing Ryle's reasons and now she had to tell him that she told Garrett about his conversation . He was still sitting there  , Angry , So she came forward  then said : " I'm so sorry Ryle "

" There is nothing to be sorry about . It was all Garrett's fault . This bastard . He jumped to conclusions . Honestly , i'm sick of him " 

" No , It wasn't..... .I heard you talk in the phone and Garrett told me if I suspect anyone of the team , I need to tell him ."

She couldn't forget Ryle's face at that moment .He was betrayed " It was you ? . Are you kidding me ? . Why didn't you ask me first . You are by his side now ? . What did he tell you ? . What did he give you ? . A promotion ? So you can betray your friend " . Then total silent .He didn't say any other word  and without any hesitation , he just got on the car and left . Emily fell down on the floor . What she did is bull shit . And She knew that maybe Ryle will not trust her again and maybe not talk to her again . She just begun to cry loudly , sobbing  . After a while , she stood up and went to the nearest bar . she drank a lot to forget even drinking i not her thing . When she tried to stand on her feet , she almost faint , her legs couldn't carry her anymore . Then suddently , she felt a hand pulling her and helped her to stand . And Guess who was there ?

Of course Garrett

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