Chapter 16 : the reunion

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Emily didn't tell Ryle about her past with Garrett . And she regret that a lot because if he hears it from someone else , he will never forgive her . And the worst thing that Garrett is probably going to be in that house to eat dinner with them .

They arrived to the house , she was so nervous . They got in arm to arm . And Guess who was there ? of course Garrett . She smiled to the family who were waiting for them in the dining room . The house was beautiful with a big garden and a pool . She thought " it's probably Mr . Bradley's house . He is a really rich man . I hope that he has changed because Garrett told me before that he is a cruel man . But thank god Ryle's mother seems happy . If she wasn't , I would be obliged to tell Ryle about Mr . bradley as well as my past with Garrett and he will probably be pissed at me . Thank god . "

the moment they enterred the dining room , everybody's gaze turned to them - A very fancy arrival ' arm to arm ' - even Garrett .

" Hi Emily . Come on kids . Sit , we have been waiting for you " Ryle's mom said smiling , she seemed nice 

" Hi everyone " Emily said and Ryle pulled the chair to let her sit - So fancy -

They sit  ,. Garrett seemed normal , he scowled  a little  buthe was not at all astonished . She thought " I assume Mrs . Elle - Ryle's mom - told them about us , Ryle and me because when she called Ryle , they were with her . Oh gosh ! I'm having dinner with my boyfriend , his family and my ex . I'm so embarrassed . And I have never met any of my boyfriend's family before or maybe because I haven't dated anyone after Garrett ."

" So you started dating a while ago . How long ? " Mrs . Elle asked curiously

" Mom , it has been a minute since  we arrived . Can you let us catch our breathes ? " Ryle interrupted 

" Dear , i'm just asking "

" Okay , about one month ago " Ryle answered smiling

" Ok , and I assume you have met in the company . "

" Oh , we met before ." Emily opened her eyes widely " 

Mrs . Elle was excited " Oh lord . Tell us . " Garrett's dad seemed interrested too 

She thought " Oh god . Help me please "

 " So actually , Emily was at the park when a kid took her purse and run but fortunately i saw him , so decided to intervene . Do you want to continue babe ? "

Everyone was looking at Emily . She thought " What the hell is doing ? . Good lord " 

At that moment , she wished something happens , her phone , the phone to ring  .... because she was so nervous that she couldn't say a full simple sentence . Garrett tightened the cup , she felt that he was going to break it . Then she said " So .... Actually ...... , Ryle ran after this little kid . Like he was so little . yeah , like i was so surprised that a little , so little kid can rob me  , and ...... " She smiled to Ryle " fortunately , he caught him  so because Ryle was a really kind person , he didn't call the cops and he helped him by giving him some money . And when he gave me my purse , i realised that it was Ryle , my .... my friend from the elemantery school and we talked a lot . It was really a good time . "

" I think it was fate more than a coincidance " Ryle said smirking 

" oohh , after all these years . My dear ( looking at her husband ) I wish that you could see them when they were little kids , so cute , full of joy and love . But unfortunately Emily moved because of her parents' jobs and we haven't heard from her since that . Darling ( staring at Emily ) , I really missed your mother , she was my dearest friend . Please , tell her to come some day and visit me , I really missed her "

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