chapter 17 : GOD damn it

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So Ryle recently has had some job interviews , and that night , they called to inform him that he got hired and if he wants this job , he could start tomorrow morning . Actually , this company was the competitive of Garrett's company so probably , they have hired him to terrify Garrett because he might leak the company's secrets . But Ryle was still confused , he didn't know if it will be a good idea to lay off or it will just make things more complicated . After the phone call , he went back to the garden but when he saw Garrett sitting beside Emily , he frowned . Actually , he never saw Garrett as a threat because he knew that Emily hates him . So he was just confused because Garrett isn't the kind of person who can be close to someone who doesn't know . But soon these thoughts vanished when Emily said that they were talking about him . He kept looking at Garrett , still confused , frowning . Garrett stood up and started talking to him , he said looking at him straight in the eyes " Yes .... Actually , i was asking Emily about something related to you " The poor guy , he seemed so helpless , defenitely not knowing how to act or what to say . Emily was enjoying the scene , smiling . Ryle looked at her , she shruged , pretending that she doesn't know what Garrett was doing . Fortunately , Garrett can't see her , he was standing in front of her . He continued " I know that I have been a terrible brother but I feel kind of guilty now to push you away . " then he hum like he was confused either to continue or just fuck off and at that moment , Ryle understood what Garrett was going to say is related to the misundarstanding days ago and he got angry , you can feel the scowl in his face , Emily stopped smiling and got terrified - something bad is gonna happen - but Garrett continued "  I'm ......... sorry . Yeah ,...... I'm really.... really .... sorry Ryle for what i did about the betrayal thing .  Really , it was a stupid misunderstanding . I think it's time to forget about the past and start a new life . It would be better for both of us . Eventually , we are a family . You want to admit it or not , but i consider you my brother "

Ryle laughed sarcastically " Is it too hard to apologize ? "  but Emily knows him , he was angry , he just wanted to disturb Garrett

Garrett scowled , clinching his fists  and  said almost losing his temper " What do you want ? I have apologized to you . I just said that I want to fuck off and stop this bullshit . I did a stupid mistake . Actually , it wasn't only my mistake . Emily was part of it too . But you forgave her . Why ? . She covers your needs ? . Or does she bring you breakfast in bed ? . GOD DAMN IT . "

Ryle's eyes turned red . Emily didn't know what to do . Garrett's words were so dirty . " Okay , that's fucked up . I won't be able to do any fucking thing now . Really fucked up this time . Let's see what's gonna be the end of it " Ryle , so angry , gave this jerk in front of them a really hard punch . Blood running from his lower lip , he covered the injury with his finger , and with cold blood , he said smirking " That's all you got ? You can't argue without losing your temper . Rught ? "

He scowled "  You are such a jerk  . You just did it because you are afraid that I'm going to take revenge and betray your fucking company . For fuck's sake , stop treating everybody like they are your slaves . I'm resigning , but don't worry I'm not going to take revenge because i don't need to . Fuck your company and fuck you . Bastard  " He lifted his index finger to the face of the guy who she loved the most , who let her alone years ago , who forgot about her years ago , almost touching his nose  " And don't you dare . Don't you ever in your whole fucking life talk about Emily again . Because that time . it's gonna be more than a punch "

At that moment , Emily needed to intervene " Okay , guys . It's enough now ." She took Ryle's hand and pulled him to go but Garrett continued , fixing his gaze on Ryle " Why ? . You're afraid of me ? . Afraid to tell her the truth ? . Do you think if she knew the truth , she would stay with you ? . What do you think ? ." 

Ryle clenched his jaw , didn't say a word . " what's the truth ? ." She kept staring at her boyfriend waiting for an answer " Ryle , What truth ? " Still nothing . " Hey . Can one of you answer me ? "

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