Chapter 2: Fuck love

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There is a party this week .Emily is not fun of parties but Tate convinced her to go . She was afraid to see Garrett with one of his girls but fuck it . She will go with Tate and have some fun and live her life . Life didn't always have to be serious . Life was to be lived , she was broken but she will not stay afraid all her life . she promised herself : " no boys , no drinks " . She thought : " life was one great adventure to be lived well and to the full . Garrett is my best friend not my  boyfriend  and he can hang out with any girl he likes . I won't be jealous or anything . Because there is no reason to be jealous . Right ? . Like we are just friends . And i have no intention to be in a relationship right now . Plus , he sees like a friend , Right ? . " Yes Emily " she answered herself then thought again : What a freak i'm ! . Anyway , Me and Garrett are just friends and today he will have so many girls wanting to kiss his ass that he will never ever see me . And my nice and lovely friend Tate will be with me . Stop overthiking Emily . Everything will be okay . Now , come on . I'm gonna have fun . Wouuuuuhh " . She wore a short black dress and white heels , put some make up but she is beautiful she doesn't need much . The party was in a popular club in Boston . Tate had a driver licence so she came to her apartment to pick her up .  .So many noise and music . It has been a long time since she went to a party but she definitely liked the whole mood . She knew she was going to have fun . Of course Garrett was there dancing with a girl , He was drunk , soooo drunk . The moment she got in , he glanced at her and  felt happy to see her and surprised because he knows her very well she doesn't like parties . He tried so many times to take her to one but he couldn't because she always makes excuses . She saw him too but didn't want to bother him because he was busy obviously with someone else . She ordered a soda . "Come on let's dance . You're not going to stay rooted to the ground "Tate said smiling . Emily answered : " Why don't you find a boyfriend and let me alone " 

She hold her hand and drag her where every body was dancing "It's not gonna happend , My dear friend . Come on . Let's go " .  Emily was dancing with Tate when a guy asked her to dance but she refused . So ,  he got angry and harassed her . He was so clingy .  Garrett was staring at the scene so he stopped dancing. And came in front of them , he was clenching his jaw and at that moment Emily understood that something terrible was going to happen and she was going to be the cause of it . But it was so late because the moment she was going to tell the guy to fuck off or let her alone , Garrett came and   ordered the guy to stay away from her but he didn't and cursed him . Garrett couldn't manage his anger like always and hit the guy and fortunately the security guards intervened and kicked Garrett out so Emily went after him . They were in front of the club . Garrett was bleeding , sweating and fixed his gaze in the ground without saying a word  and she noticed that he wiped a tear falling on his cheeks , she gave him a cotton , touched her hair , she still couldn't process the whole scene then she said : "  What in the world are you doing Garrett for fuck's sake ? .You're not my body guard I can protect myself alone . If you didn't intervene , this whole thing wouldn't happen . I was going to tell him to fuck off .... 

He looked at her , put his index on her mouth so she can stay calm and said : " I'm so fucking in love with you, idiot . Okay ? . I apologized for first time to you . I told someone my problems for first time and that one was you . None of my friends knew about my father . I'm jealous for the first time and that's because of you . Damn it , I'm crying for the first time because of you And what I'm supposed to do ? . Watch the guy harassing you . I'm so freaking in love with you Emily . Stop convincing yourself the opposite , you knew that . I just can't deny it anymore . I'm tired of looking at your beautiful face every day , sniffing your adorable scent without being able to hug you or kiss you . That's driving me crazy , Emily . I don't consider you just like friend . Don't look at me like an idiot . You must have noticed something .  But if you don't share the same feelings with me that's ok we can stay friends just like before 

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