Chapter 11 : a freak

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- " Is that you Garrett ? " she said laying her head on a man's shoulder . And she realized that Garrett was carrying her in his arms because of his scent . She knows it so well . 

She felt him scowling . Then he hid a smirk  " oh yes " he said

She thought " I just wanna know how he can switch from a scowl to a smirk . Believe me , i would kill to know that "

She was really drunk but still conscious  "What are you doing ? Ohh , noo . you're trying to kidnap me . That's ok but please don't kill me . I want to live OK? Promise ? . Like i have so many things that i have to achieve . I don't know . Maybe marry a millionnaire or become a striper . But i wanna live " 

 " Ok " he said , hiding that smirk and still carrying her in his arms .

There was a silence . She put her hands on his back then broke the silnce " Garrett "

He looked at her " Yes "

" Where are we going ? I want to see Ryle . He was so pissed at me . Please I want to see him "

He rolled his eyes and said " Shut up , Emily "

" Hey , i'm serious . Okay then , let me get down " Then she tried to get down and walk but he didn't let her " I said let me down " And she kicked and hit him with her arms and legs . 

He screamed " Stop . I said stop " 

She stopped , he continued " You're too drunk to walk otherwise i wouldn't carry you . And Ryle won't escape , you can talk to him tomorrow . "

" Really " 

He scowled " Yessss " 

" Okay then . Thank you . By the way , your abs are really strong . GOD , it's like a chocolate tablet . You know it's so attractive , right ? . But this suit is so ugly . Really , no body wears suits any more . Soo unstylishhh . You look Like my grandfather . I think that a dark blue slacks  with a white t shirt will be perfect on you . Your girlfriend doesn't tell you those things ? . Ooops  . She is old fashioned " She laughed " Oh gosh . She must wear those long fluffy skirts . Like my grandmother "

He was too angry to answer her . So she continued " Garrett " He didn't answer .

" Are  you mad ? . Hey , this question has been a while turning in my head . And i would appreciate it if you answer me . But honestly , please  . " She stayed silent for a while then said " Okay . Did you date any girl after we broke up ? . Please , tell me . Is she prettier than me ? I'm so curious . But like just curious . I'm asking you out of curiousity . Really , only curious . When you kiss her , Do you feel butterflies in your stomach ? Do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you ever seen just like you used to tell me when we were young . Please , Garrett , tell me . "

He smirked , that little dirty smirk  and said putting her body in the passenger seat " OK . Now you need to shut up and let me drive " . then he got in the car .

" Take these . Don't worry I'm not trying to kill you . It will reduce your hangover " These notes were written on a  white paper on the night stand next to her 

And beneath this note , there were some pills

She thought " What the fuck ?. Where am I ? GOD , my head is killing me . Oh  GOSH . I can feel that this comfy bed is not mine . Ohh noo , I hope that I haven't done anything that I will regret it in the future . At least , I'm still wearing my clothes . And the worse thing that I don't remember anything . Nooo , I remember Ryle , he was so pissed . Now I don't have a choice . I need to talk to him . And if he refused , i won't stop trying until he talks to me . But where the fuck am i ? "

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