Chapter 3: Life is a bitch

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Why be miserable while you can be happy ? it's an obvious choice for Emily . We have to live our lives , we need to forget about the past . Don't we ? Sometimes and most of the times , being hurtful , betrayed or sad help you to learn a lesson and to be strong . Sometimes , people need to feel sad , need to cry because in the future , they will learn how to act , in other words , they will be vaccinated to any kind of these feelings . And  Fuck it we are going to die anyway and no one is going to remember us . She believed that she have a future . She forgot about Garrett . She was strong and after him , she noticed that her life is getting better and better . Maybe it's fate , she needed to believe that a person meets so many people in his life but the real ones stay with him for the rest of his life , so maybe Garrett wasn't one of them . And she has these real people .  There were Tate her friend , her parents , her brother Maxon and his adorable wife Lily , and soon she was going to be an aunt . Lily was pregnant with a cute baby boy . Emily continued her studies , made so many friends and she didn't have time to think about the bastard . And finally after so many attempts , she got a job in a finance company as a software engineer . Finding a job with a good salary in Boston was hard . She was so happy now she won't feel like a burden to her family . She had a job , a cool apartment . And peace , the most imporatnat thing . What can a human being wants more ? About her dating life , she didn't have time for boys but that doesn't mean that she didn't try to find one . She had a few dates from Tinder . But all of them were jerks . There were a boy , they met on Tinder , went to a café , and he didn't drop his phone for a second to talk to her . She kept talking and asking him questions and he answered her his face in his stupid phone so she took a glass full of water and threw it on him . she couldn't forget his reaction and everyone in the café was looking  . So awkward !. And there were another boy , he kept talking about his work and he was so boring and annoying so she just left him in the middle of the date . Then she just gave up . Maybe leaving it to fate is better than leaving it to Tinder .   Now after getting a job maybe she will be happy , a different atmosphere and environment would be good for her . But life is bitch , it really is and she was feeling that something is wrong in this new job . First of all , she woke up early , got dressed , she wore a short and skinny red dress and a white sneakers . she wanted to be comfortable in her first day of work . The company was far from her apartment so she called a taxi , she always hated Boston's traffic . So to avoid an accident in her first day of work , she thought that maybe going to work with an uber is better . She wasn't late , fortunately . The company was big , so many floors . She got in the elevator and what a coincidence ! There was Garrett . She thought : "  What the hell in universe ? What the fuck is going on right now ? Am I dreaming ? i can't believe my eyes  Okay , this can't be real . I'm daydreaming . No , i'm having a nightmare . Yes , definitely  " Then she tweaked her arm to make sure she is daydreaming but she wasn't . This blueeyed boy was really standing next to her n the damn elavator .  After all those years , here is " Garrett kindinsky  " , all those fucking years , terrifying , heart-breaking and sad years . Here , we go again . She glanced at him an other time and continued: " Noooo , this can't be real " . He was surprised when he saw her with those mind blowing blue eyes but he didn't do anything . He stood rooted in the ground with this classy suit , he was wearing . They didn't know what to say . How to act . It was awkward ! . So she begun talking , touching her hair : " Hi Garrett . what are you doing here ?

He glanced at her , then fixed his gaze on the floor and said " None of your business "

She thought : " WTF ? What did I say to him ? He needs to bear in mind that he was the one who moved without saying any word . For fuck's sake . Why did he say that ? so cruel . Actually , it's my fault . Why would i be nice to him after what he fucking did ? I'm to nic to people who don't deserve it . Shit ,ok but I'm not going to stay calm " . when she gathered her courage to speak to him , the elevator's door opened . they were going to the same floor . she thought again  : " good we are working in the same floor . what a good thing ! Very very good  .i think I'm going to quit in my first day of work . I wonder what is his job ? I doubt he has even a job . He can't even be a cleaner here . But maybe he is just visiting someone  .Honestly , i hope so . GOD , he means nothing to you Emily , just ignore him . Okay , i need to stop talking to myself . I'm a freak but a curious freak " . She went to the CEO's office ,  talked to the assistant of the CEO to talk to him and she said to her   : " Okay , The CEO is busy now . They are going to have a meeting in twenty minutes and here is the card that you will need to get in the company . All the employers have it .The CEO will be in the meeting's room in twenty minutes . You can come .Don't be late . He is so desciplined so pay attention .  .You have done the job interview right ? " she nodded . " Ok then after the meeting , you can come to sign the contract . I have so many work to do . There Mr.Aspen " the cleaner " can you show this lady the whole company ? and her office just next to Mr . Ryle's office " 

She thought : " Ryle . I wonder where i heard this name "

Mr .Aspen is a kind person but Emily was surprised when she saw him because he was an old man in his seventies . she asked  him curiously  : " How long do you work here ?

He answered while walking : About twenty years , I like my job . I know I'm old for this work but what can I do ? . I have a family to feed

She touched her hair and said " Ohh , I'm sorry . I didn't mean it"

" You're too young for this job  , too" 

" Not at all . I seem young but i'm not . I'm twenty seven . I guess it's the only avantage of being short . you always seem young " 

" ahhh , i wish that that i could go back to my twenties . You're young , my dear . "

He was kind . she thought that he will be a good friend . She got in the meeting's room and what a surprise ! It's Ryle " Her first love" . Ryle is a handsome guy . They studied together about sixteen or seventeen years ago in elemantery school . And because she moved , they broke up but she really loved him .  He was a funny person  . She really loved him he was the first boy that she got in a relationship with and she can't forget about the fight that he got in with her overprotective brother . She didn't see him a long time ago since she moved from New york because he used to live there  . She moved a lot . He was so delighted when he saw her , and her mouth fall open so he said , higging her  : " I can't believe my eyes  " Emily " where have you been ?

She touched her hair then she hugged him back " No way , Ryle . So it was you . I have moved to Boston years ago , and now I'm working here as the software engineer

" Wow . what a small world ! . I can believe that I'm going to work with a beautiful , talented and skilled girl like you . We are going to do a great work "

The whole team was looking at them . Emily blushed then she heard the voice of the door knob opening . she sit and what a day full of surprises ! . The CEO WAS GARRETT

Sometimes life doesn't go the way you expect . Emily didn't believe in luck , she believed in fate . She was faithful and believed that Garrett and her were not destined for each other . Maybe , nothing in her life can last forever like shooting stars . We see the usual stars above us every single night . Most people take them for granted , even forget they are there . But if a person sees a shooting star , they remember that moment forever , they even make a wish at its presence . But when she saw Ryle , she thought that maybe she had a chance maybe he is the one maybe but " face to face "  to Garrett . No ! . all those feelings disappeared , she knew that she didn't forget him and her life will be a misery again . she thought that Garrett was her shooting star !!!

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