Chapter 4:the first sight

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Why must we wait until we run out of time to start to accomplish all that we dreamed about  , when once we had all the time in the world ? Yes , Emily was heart-broken . Yes , Garrett moved without telling her , he broke up with her without telling her too , he broke her heart without even flinching even though he knows that he won't get her trust back but Emily was strong . Garrett was the CEO of the company she was working in , she knew that that is going to get her in a lot of trouble but she was not going to quit for a this ridiculous reason " the CEO of the company was her ex " No , she was not that pathetic . This job is her dream and she needs to pay her bills . All this is ridiculous  , her first love ' Ryle , her ex 'the CEO of the company  she is going to work in and of course the one that she still loves him so much ' and even after he litteraly mocked her in the elevator she still wants to talk to him . But  She is going to concentrate in her work and Ryle was not going to let her down , he was her angel . back to the meeting , Garret went in the room ,  he seemed so greedy and arrogant . And he got in the moment Emily and Ryle were hugging . He was completely surprised and he gave them ' What the hell is going on ' look . So Ryle stepped away from Emily to explain " Hey , Mr . Garrett . This is Emily , the new computer enginner here " he looked at him for a secong with those cute blue eyes then said coldly : " I know " So Ryle continued " Oh . True , she is one of your employee , you have to know . So , actually ..... " he looked at Emily who blushed again then continued " so , actually , we know each other from high school " He rolled his eyes and said " I don't care , Mr . Ryle . Can we sit , please . I don't have much time " tRyle was totally mad after that . But Emily looked at him with a comforting face , tapped his shoulder and said in his ears " Don't worry . CEOs suck " He smiled , and all of them sit . " Hey , guys . Another one was added to the team . Ms . Emily . Basically , guys , We are going to discuss ..........." The meeting was so long and Garrett  didn't miss a chance to embarrass her in front of all her co-workers. And she noticed that Ryle and Garreett don't get along , they kept fighting for ridiculous things but no one was surprised , it's like a routine or a very normal thing . But why all this cruelty , this bitterness and anger ? . After the meeting , she felt that she had to work hard because she thought Garrett wasn't going to miss a chance to expel her but she will not give him this chance . she sit at her desk when Ryle came to her office , knocked on the door . And after telling him to enter , he smiled to her and said leaning on the door frame " Do you have a minute " she smiled " Are you kidding me ? I don't have any damn minute . Sorry " he was gonna leave when she screamed " Hey . I'm joking around . Come here " he came back and sit on the chair next to her desk  then said :"  Congratulations beautiful lady , you really deserve this job . I'm really happy for you . And never mind the CEO's cruelty , he is always mean but he will regret this when he will see our work , we are going to make it

 she grab her pen and started rolling in in her hands "Thank you Ryle , I really need your support , The CEO is a badass but I'm too and I'm going to prove to him that I deserve this job . I'm so sorry for his wife , I think she is so so so tolerant , for fuck's sake who can bear him ?

he laughed and answered " He is not married "

She thought :  " ohh he is not married but it's none of my business . Is it ? I just want to know if he is dating but no Emily IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS . And i'm making Ryle suspicious . Shit 

" AHH . Ok ,so what about you ? Did you find real love ? Single ? or taken ? Since when you work here ? And Why did you and Garrett fight a lot ? and I'm not going to ask if you're married or not because it's going to be so awkward 

He laughed and said "Oh GOD . You didn't change at all . Still the gossip girl . I'm not married  by the way . Single as fuck and it's been two month since I work here , I like it here , the employers are kind , the team is adorable and you're going to like it too . And finally , Garrett is an asshole . You said yourself 

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