Part 2

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The parts are smaller, but that's because it goes back and forth and some events are best told by the other person. But hope you like!

We had gotten settled down just as I saw a good size group of girls sprinting to us. Luckily security put them in an orderly line before they were able to see us. I smiled as most of them skipped over me to get to Omar, seated next to me. One girl, who looked around 8, smiled a toothless grin at me.
"Are you dating Felix?" She squealed. She was adorable!
"I am!" I nodded to her as she slid her paper to me.
"OMG COULD YOU PLEEEASE SIGN THIS!" The girl jumped up and down as I scribbled her a note, asking for her name. By the time I had written her a note, the rest of the girls caught on that I was dating Felix and lined up behind the girl, named Maya, for my autograph. The girls were ushered out and we got about 30 seconds of a break before the next girls came. These fans seemed more interested in me than the first group.
"What's it like hanging out with them all the time?!"
"Are you dating Felix?"
"We ship you!"
After about 30 groups of girls, each growing in size in an effort to get it done faster, we were down to the last group. A red haired girl asked for a picture with Felix. I felt myself tense up as my eyes followed him across the table over to the girl. Felix closed his eyes and kissed her on the cheek. That didn't bug me, he did it to a lot of fans. But just before the picture was taken, the girl turned her head and kissed him on the lips. I slammed my chair back, walking as calmly as I could out past the screaming girls into the car, where I instructed the driver to take me home, and that he could come back for the boys. I locked myself in our room for a bit to think about what happened. I came to the conclusion that as long as it happened only rarely, it was okay. They probably would only get 1 chance to meet them, let alone kiss them. It was 9:30 when I heard the boys come home, each one going into his room. Felix stood in the doorway, as if asking to come in.
"Don't worry about it." I said, knowing exactly what he was thinking, "As long as it happens only rarely, it's okay. Because I get to kiss you everyday and they don't." He came and laid down next to me, pushing a strand of hair from my face.
"I really am sorry, babe. That has never happened." He rubbed small circles with his thumb on the skin where my shirt was riding up. I pulled his face into mine, slowly at first, running my fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. He stopped to slide his shirt off, revealing to me his impossibly toned abs. My gaze lowered. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh.
"What?" He looked at me, slightly confused.
"It's just-your boxers- SAY MUCHACHO!" I laughed out loud for a second. He was smirking.
"Well I bet yours say muchacho too." He retorted.
"Actually, no theyre-" I finally realized where the conversation was going. And I was ready.

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