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Anna's view

I didn't even notice as Eva left the room. I heard the door close but my eyes were glued to the beautiful goddess stood in front of me.

"So we're soulmates, huh?" The elf said. I nodded slowly not sure what to do with myself.

"Would you like to sit down?" I nodded again and placed myself in the chair next to her.

"I am Thalia. I've heard a lot about you. From Eva of course. You seem like good friends. She's a good person."

Once again I nodded and she sighed. My eyes followed her movements as she got up from the chair and moved to the window.

"I understand if I'm not what you were expecting. If you want to pretend I don't exist, I am fine with that. I've been alive a long time and never let myself dream of this moment so I have no expectations of what my soulmate was meant to be. I won't blame you if you just walk out the door and forget about me."

My legs had a mind of their own as they walked swiftly to her. I grasped her arm causing us to both gasp as the shocks of our bond shot through us.

I looked up at her eyes. They were beautifully different; one was brown and one green. Her red hair was curly and tucked behind one ear, showing the pointed tip that all elves possess. Some strands were plaited with the branches of white trees I had never seen before.

"I've been searching for you for a really long time, Thalia. Not as long as you have, of course. I think we should sit down and talk about where we go from here."

"Eva told me what happened to my brothers. I know your father was responsible for their murder. I don't blame you. After all, it was our love that caused that." I studied her face looking for any trace of emotion but all I saw was pure happiness.

"Would you really like to give me a chance? I mean, I can't imagine what your life has been like." She shrugged and took my hand, wrapping her fingers through mine.

"My life didn't start until Eva's orb hit me in the head." I giggled and her eyes lit up.

"Anna, I want to stay with you forever. I can't place it. I don't know if it's the soulmate bond or the excitement of freedom but I have never been happier than I am right now." I smiled at her and as she lifted her other hand, my breath stopped.

She ran her soft fingers across my cheek, tucking hair behind my ear. I stood up straight, on my tiptoes, and she still had to crouch down. I felt her hesitate and just when I thought she was going to stop, she leant close in.

"Are you sure?" she whispered. I nodded and leant in feeling her soft lips touch mine making me explode inside. I unraveled my hand from hers and gripped her neck as we deepened the kiss. She picked me up, allowing me to wrap myself around her body before placing me on the table, never once breaking the kiss. I felt her hands run down my back and pull me closer to her. I smiled into our kiss.

As she pulled away, allowing us to catch our breath, she smiled sweetly at me. I rested my forehead against hers and she gripped my cheek.

"You were definitely worth the wait, my queen." She whispered to me before pulling back and lifting me from the table.

I straightened out my dress and looked as Thalia stood by the window. I joined her and our hands involuntarily held each other.

"Looks like Eva is sorting everything out." I smiled at her comment. Eva always had strong leadership potential, even when we were just girls.

I watched as she spoke to Convel, Martha and then Hera. She used her magic so freely among the soldiers who were walking into the bottom part of the castle.

"So, as an elf, what magic do you have?" I asked turning to her. She laughed and explained that she would show me down in the gardens.

"Do you have any powers?" She questioned me as we continued to watch the final soldiers file into the castle.

"Well, I am not sure if it compares to what you have, but I guess humans have powers of sorts. After all, any other creature was created with humans in mind. I believe Agatha, Eva's mother, said I was the part of the kingdom that was sane and forgiving. I was created to forgive those around me; I can't even forgive my own father." My shoulders slumped as the disappointment rose in me.

"If you are also the sane part, that means you only forgive those who deserve it. So I believe you are exactly who you should be." I smiled at her and leant into her as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

I watched as Martha, I believe, ran towards Eva and they talked low. I watched Martha walk away and Eva towards the staircase that would lead her here.

"I believe duty calls, Thalia. Let's go and see what Eva needs from us."

"Of course, my queen." She kissed my cheek and we walked out the meeting room towards the staircase.

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