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 As the sun hit the crowds that gathered on the hill that morning, I breathed deeply. It was time. The divisions stood row by row staring out towards the castle. They had their heads up high, proud to serve something bigger than themselves. Nothing else needed to be said.

I took my place at the front of the army: my army. On my right stood Thalia and Martha with my mother next to her. Thalia was in charge of the archers, who were lined up, their bows loaded with arrows, ready to start this fight. Martha and Agatha stood with witches and warlocks, their magic our defence. Turning to the left, I saw Hera and my father stood together. They both bowed to me. Behind them stood their armies. Athena's army was mixed in with Sceneria's army. Hera had chosen four women to get me inside the castle. Werewolves in their wolf forms stood with the soldiers. I breathed out and Convel's wolf stood beside me. He bowed to me as did Thalia and Martha. It was now or never.

I raised my hand, with my knife securely in my palm.

"For all witches and warlocks!" Martha called out, raising her hands.

"For my fallen ancestors!" My mother bellowed into the distance.

"For Awate!" Thalia yelled strongly.

"For my wife and daughter!" My father proudly roared.

"For all women of all kinds!" Hera shouted.

Convel howled by my side.

"For us all!" I cried.

As all our hands were raised, we charged towards Derever's castle. The noise of the charging army was overwhelming. The ground shook as we ran down into the valley. As we raced through, Derever's army appeared.

"Thalia!" I yelled over the noise of our own army. She quickly instructed her archers to fire arrows onto the enemy. Martha began blasting through the defences of the army protecting the archers. I watched as the first row of enemy soldiers hit ours. We began fighting anything in our path.

I yelled out attacking some soldiers in front of me. Their longswords were nothing compared to my skills: both physical and magical, the two making a deadly combination. I knocked them back, stabbing them in the weak spots of their armour. My rage fueled every movement, my magic helping protecting me from any advances that got too close.

"Convel!" I yelled out, seeing his huge white wolf tear through ten soldiers at once. He perked up running to me as I jumped on his back.

As my magic cleared us a path, the women followed close behind us and we made it around to the back of the army. The noise of the fighting overwhelmed the air and the sky had turned a dark black even in the daylight.

"Convel, find him." He nodded and began sniffing around. Soon as we found the back entrance to the castle, we found our way inside. The rooms were empty with not even a maid running around. We continued to follow Convel through the corridors until we found a small door. I pushed it open and there was a steep spiral staircase.

As I stepped on every step, the noise echoed into the hidden rooms below. Once we came to a room, I used my magic to light the room. It revealed close to hundreds of cells, each with different people inside. I looked around and saw werewolves, elves and witches. Some were even human. The women gasped at the sight of them as they appeared at the doors of their cells.

"Soldiers, start unlocking these cages. We need to get them to safety now." They obliged and began unchaining every door. They reassured every victim as they freed them and we lined them up. Convel transformed back into his human self, putting on some clothes and helped them. I looked around until I saw one with the sign on the door. Quickly blasting the latch with my magic, it opened revealing a small girl hiding in the corner.

"It's okay, I won't hurt you." She whimpered as she looked at me, afraid. I used my magic to create a small unicorn flying around her head. She looked at it and giggled making me smile.

"Who are you, little one?" She got up from the floor and I saw the same medallion Noet was holding in Borealis hanging around her neck.

"Are you a witch?" She nodded at me and I smiled. "You are very clever. Do you know how to portal?" She nodded again. "That is very impressive. Do you think you could portal everyone to safety?" She shook her head aggressively, pointing to the medallion.

I walked towards her slowly. She flinched as I raised my hands and it made my heart sink. Using my magic, I looked at the medallion. It was enchanted to control the wearer into helping whoever had the other one. I reached out my hand and snapped the thin rope and it fell to the floor.

She began to cry and ran to my arms. I picked her up, carrying her from her cell to where the other victims were. When I tried passing her to another soldier, she refused. I put her down gently and knelt down to her eye level.

"I need you to do something really important now. Do you think you can?" she nodded sniffling.

"Okay, create a portal and get everyone here to safety. Can you do that for me, for them?" This time she nodded with more confidence and created a portal. Two soldiers began helping everyone through whilst two more continued to unlock other cells.

"Luna!" I heard Convel call from down the corridor. As I ran to him, I saw Atlas lying on the floor of a cell. I pushed open the door and rushed to his side.

"Atlas? Atlas, can you hear me?" I cried as I looked down at him. His body was covered in blood as wounds from his stomach and face bled out onto the floor. On the floor were giant silver chains, which had been ripped apart. I looked to his face, where his eyes were open and unmoving. I fell to my feet crawling to his body and grabbed his face.

"Atlas? It's me. It's Eva. I'm here. I waited for you, Atlas." He didn't move.

"Convel, what's wrong? Why isn't he healing?" I turned away from Atlas, still holding his face and looked at Convel. He hung his head and I watched as tears dropped from his face.

"I'm so sorry Luna. He was too weak to heal himself." He choked out. I shook my head, not believing in what he was saying.

"Atlas, I'm here. I came for you. It's okay. I'm here now." I wept on his chest as I heard no heartbeat. My sobs filled the room. Everyone was silent as the body of my soulmate laid lifeless on the cell floor. Convel choked back tears as he mourned the death of his alpha. The grief filled every part of my body, shaking my body as I continued to cry. 

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