Chapter 22

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Unexpectedly, I got a call from Scarlett that there was a small attack on Blackrose, and Romain was injured. Not knowing what to do, I went to Sienna to try and figure out what the best plan was. Romain and I might have ended our romantic relationship, but that didn't mean that I stopped caring for him. At the moment, he was still in a coma and the doctors weren't sure how long he would remain in that state.

"Sienna, a problem has come up at Blackrose." I told her while pacing in front of the couch, biting my nails trying to get my brain to focus on something other than the million thoughts going through it.

"What's happened?" She asked concerned seeing my obvious distress.

"A small attack occurred on the border of the Blackrose territory while Romain was on patrol. He was training some new warriors, and he got injured pretty severely and is in a coma at the moment. I still care about the guy, even if it is no longer romantic. What should I do? Should I go to Blackrose early?"

"That is a difficult question to answer at the moment, and you know that. Callum is part of the picture now, and even if you are going back to adopt Devaney - he is going to have to be involved in the decision making since you have decided to accept him as a mate."

"Yes I know, but he's not going to understand, Si." I sigh and flop down on the couch in defeat - this will not be an easy conversation.

All of a sudden, Callum rounds the corner of the living room and stands up against the doorway - looking expectantly at me. This causes me to wonder how much he really heard.

"I am thinking of going to Blackrose earlier than I had planned." I began.

"You're going to see him."

"Yes, but that wasn't the initial reason for going. I am still going to adopt Devaney, but there has been an attack on one of the borders of Blackrose. Romain was injured pretty badly, and the doctor's don't know when he will come out of his coma." I tried to explain.

"You just want to see him again. You still want him." He argued, I guess trying to pick a fight.

"Fine! If you don't trust me. Mark me!" I hollered.

Callum just stood there and stared at me. "Mark me dammit!" I commanded him.

"No." He answered.

"So what's the problem?" I questioned.

"You know what the problem is!" He replied.

"Dammit Cal! Like you've never slept with a girl before me - I haven't even slept with anybody." I confessed and his eyes just widened with the realization of what I just told him, but he just stood there.

"That's what I thought, you hypocritical jerk!!" I bellowed as I swung my arm out of his grasp and walked away crying.

"Eva wait!" He called out chasing me.

"What Cal?"

"I'm just possessive, you know that." He tried reasoning with me.

"That's no excuse! Do I go around here causing problems around your pack just because you might have slept with someone there?" I challenged.


"So why are you insisting on making this a problem? I want to go get Devaney. I miss her, and she misses me. Why can't you see that?" I cried.

"I love you, Eva. I don't want to lose you." He confessed.

"You won't lose me as long as you trust me and stop with this insistence that I have ulterior motives for going back to Blackrose."

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