Ep. 1: What Happened??

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Finally the day had come. He was all ready, with Aryan's help he had made all the necessary arrangements. Yes he was going to to propose to her, finally his dream was coming true. Ranbir couldn't stop smiling, he had been waiting for this day since a long time.

Ranbir: Aryan, where is she?? She said she would be there by 12 ( Eager to see his lady love)

Aryan: Ranbir, you seriously need to calm down. Dude it is only 12:05. I understand your eagerness but she said she had a lecture to attend which would be over by 12 and wait a min she said that she would be meeting you at 12.15 and not 12

Ranbir: I know she said 12:15 but I can't wait...

Aryan: listen you need to understand..she will be there soon

Suddenly Ranbir gets a call from prachi saying that she won't be able to make it and all of them have been called home urgently to which Ranbir gets pissed but then realizes soon that something is wrong as he got a call from his mom as well to be at home soon and also get aryan along with him.

Mehra-Kohli Mansion

Abhi: Why are everybody not over here yet? We need to decide as soon as possible ( Showing eagerness)

Vikram: Abhi, I get it but you need to relax( getting pissed )

Purab: Vikram, Abhi, you both need to calm down

Disha: Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Pragya di, pallavi??

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