Ep 9: Journey 2

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Sid's car

For an hour there was complete silence in the car as they all were waiting for the other person to start the conversation

Sid: okay fine, I'm the elder one, I'll start the conversation as usual.....so tell me what happened

Mishti didn't know what to reply

Ranbir looks at mishti seeking for an answer

When there is no reply from mishti ranbir speaks

Ranbir: I saw sunny getting too close to mishti and she was clearly uncomfortable

Sid: hmm...mishti do you want to say anything?

Mishti: ( looks at ranbir ) bhai, sunny and I are together and I wasn't uncomfortable bhai....it was just that...

Mishti pauses and thinks to herself that was she uncomfortable with sunny

Ranbir: It was what mishti?.....you should seriously think about your relationship

Sid: ( looks at ranbir ) Is the matter solved, Ranbir?

Ranbir: yeah..... I just wanted to know whether they were together.......today I realised that we have secrets between us.....before we knew literally EVERYTHING about each other and now we dont know anything

Mishti: you are right bhai.

Sid: okayy, so why not open up....

Ranbir: ofcourse......so who's starting?

Mishti: you all know about me....and rest of it was always known to you 2....ranbir, let's start from you

Ranbir: okay....so I'm dating prachi ( sid immediately stops the car ) bro chill

Sid: when did this happen?? I thought you both were bestfriends...( looks at mishti ) did you know about it?

Mishti smiles: he never told me about it....i just understood

Sid: tell me more....how did this happen?..when did this happen?....I need details!!

Ranbir: okay so listen, you always knew that I always felt protective for her right? So prachi and I had gone to a pub where few guys started misbehaving with her.....obviously I knocked them off and then........you know we had an eye lock....see it's difficult to explain....but that day we realized our feelings

Mishti: Ohoo, bhai, difficult to explain and all....nice

Ranbir just gives a look to mishti while sid giggles


After knocking of the guys who were  misbehaving with prachi

Ranbir: let's go

And ranbir holds prachi's hand and they both leave

In the car

Prachi: ranbir what was the need of punching them so badly, so much of blood is oozing out from that cut

Ranbir: prachi, prachi, I'm fine and that's nothing

Prachi: we could have just walked out ( says while bandaging the cut ) what was the need....that guy was drunk ranbir.....what if he did anything to you...then what

Ranbir: then what?...and how dare he misbehave with you....I wanted to kill him....

Prachi cutting off ranbir: (pissed) kill and what go to jail

Ranbir: heyy..( he tucks her hair behind her ear and looks in her eyes ) you know right, I can't see you hurt and I can do anything for you....for that I don't mind going to jail

They both have an eye lock for 5 mins when suddenly prachi merges her lips to ranbir's. Ranbir is in for a shock as he had never expected this to happen but soon he reciprocated and the kiss went on for minutes while prachi removed Ranbir's jacket without breaking the kiss, he was about to remove prachi's top but then they heard a knock on the window pane.

Flashback over

Shahana's car

Aryan is driving

Shahana: Aryan

Aryan: hmm

Shahana: did you meet him?

Aryan: who?

Shahana: you very well know who I am talking about

Aryan: why will I meet him....why what happened?

Shahana: I heard he has been admitted....I want to meet him...(doesn't allow aryan to speak in the middle and continues)....atleast see him....I miss him....i know what he has done with me is wrong and I'm trying to move on but

Aryan: but what shahana....he has cheated on you .....I know it isn't easy but he doesn't deserve you...okay?

Shahana: possessive na? (Smiles)

Aryan stops the car and hugs her

Aryan: I don't want you to lose yourself for a person who does not care about you

Sunny's Car

Sunny was driving

Sunny was still angry and Rhea was having a hard time in the car as she wasn't allowed to play her favourite music in the car by sunny.

She had sensed that something was wrong with him and chose not to ask sunny about the gift he had bought her about which aryan had told her.

Rhea: uhmm..bhai...what's wrong?...sharing stuff helps

Sunny: nothing Rhea...just angry

Rhea: okay

Sunny: by the way princess, I got something for you

Rhea: atlast you spoke about it....I have been waiting for you to talk about it since an hour now

Sunny: you know about?  Let me guess, aryan told you?

Rhea: yeahh

Sunny: he can never shut his mouth

Rhea: my gift?? ( excited )

Sunny: backseat

Rhea turns only to find a small box

Siddharth's car

Siddharth: there is something that I need to tell you both

Both ranbir and mishti look towards siddharth

Siddharth: I still love her....I want to tell her but she isn't ready to listen....

Ranbir: bhai...but it was you who said that you didn't want this alliance, then what happened all of a sudden??

Siddharth: I know ranbir, but I never hid the fact that I loved her

Mishti: you are living a really complicated life....sought it out soon

Siddharth: for that I need your help

Mishti and ranbir: Done

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