Ep. 38

411 24 3

Next day

Pranbir's Room

It was 6 in the morning.

Prachi and Ranbir threw themeselves on the bed, all tired.

After their pizza date, Ranbir and Prachi left for their respective rooms but at 3 a.m. Ranbir gets a call from Prachi for help and her rushes to her room only to find his daughter crying.

It had been three hours since they were awake, thanks to their daughter.

They didn't know that it was so difficult to handle a baby.

They hardly slept. They had dark circles under their eyes.

Prachi: Ranbir, wake me up in an hour

Ranbir: why in an hour?? Sleep as long as you want......anyways I won't be waking up anytime soon

Prachi: (got up and looked at Ranbir who was already asleep) I can't miss office

She set an alarm and went to sleep.

Shahana's Room

Shahana could feel pain in her abdomen which made a difficult to sleep the entire night. She had seen Aryan sleeping on couch, which made her feel safe.

She felt safe at home especially when she was around her dad and Aryan.

She woke up, sitting straight resting her head against the headboard.

All this while Aryan had been asleep. He was tired with all the activities happening around him.

Inspite of sitting straight didn't work, Shahana decided to take a walk in the room itself. Walking did help her lessen her pain, one of the reasons why she seemed well in the hospital.

Khanna Mansion

Purab: what are you saying Disha?

Disha: I think Aryan isn't happy

Purab: If that was the reason then I don't think they would have got married

Disha: I don't know about that but shahana staying back at Mehra's isn't something I can digest

Purab: She might not be comfortable here, they are grownups now, let's give them time

Disha: hmm

Sunny had been a silent spectator to all the conversations that were going on at home.

Purab: Are all the preparations ready?

Disha: yes....I'll go and see whether Aryan is awake

Prachi's Room

The alarm started ringing.

Prachi immediately jumped out of bed while Ranbir snuggled more into the pillow covering his ears.

ranbir: switch it off!!

Prachi on switching off called out to Ranbir as even he had to leave for office but Ranbir had no intention of waking up

Ranbir: (still in bed)  I'll take a holiday....I'll be with my princess

Prachi: you are impossible

And she left the bed to get ready

Kohli Mansion

While Prachi went for work, Ranbir was enjoying his time with his daughter who woke few hours after Prachi left.

Pallavi: Ranbir, I have called the designer so get your outfits selected

Ranbir: yes mom

Pallavi: And yes the priest has said to keep the naming ceremony within 2 days

Ranbir: we are yet to decide a name

Pallavi: yes do that and talk to Prachi and let me know when you both want the naming ceremony to be...I'll make the arrangements

Ranbir nodded and Pallavi left.

Ranbir was with his daughter in the living room when Sid came early from office.

He went and sat next to his brother.

Sid was just looking at the father-daughter duo and a smile crept on his face. He never got to spend time with a newborn Aani.

Ranbir: How's it with Aani?

Sid: lot of improvement but there's a long way ahead

Ranbir: she has already accepted you bhai...it's just that she enjoys the way you pamper her

Sid laughs

Sid: how's it with my niece?

Ranbir: your niece didn't let me sleep the entire night

Sid: even you would never let mom and dad sleep peacefully

Ranbir: ya ya....all newborns are the same

Sid laughs

Ranbir continued playing with his daughter, Sid got engrossed in deep thoughts when Ranbir asked him what he had been thinking about

Sid: I actually got scared in the hospital....it wasn't easy.....felt like we were losing you and when I saw Prachi....don't ask....for her it was like the world was going to end

Ranbir: Prachi and I haven't spoken about the accident yet....she is trying hard to ignore the topic and I felt right to not open it

Sid: give her sometime...she will talk about it

Ranbir: hmm...I missed you, bhai

Sid looked at him suprised

Ranbir: you had closed off yourself after that incident.....you weren't the same after that.....I missed the conversations we had .....I missed my brother

Suddenly Pallavi entered while the two brothers were back to their normal behavior

Pallavi: even sid is here...great....disha has called us for the rituals...so the two of you come along with me

And they both agree

Khanna Mansion

Shahana realized that it was not right on her part to stay at Mehra Mansion and finally agreed to move into Khanna Mansion

After all the rituals were done they all began with lunch

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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