Ep. 14: What's Next??

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News had been showing a car tilted on a crossroad. The brand new car now looked like a damaged car which hasn't been maintained well for years.

It had been an hour now that the rescue were trying to remove the two unconscious passengers from inside the car. Nobody knew whether they would be alive in future or no but for now the rescue had informed everyone that they were breathing and the doctors on spot had made all the provisions for them to breathe and keep them alive, keeping them alive was their topmost priority now.

Accident Spot

The Mehra's, Khanna's and Kohli's except pallavi had now reached the accident spot. Pallavi stayed back home so that she could make all the required arrangements at home.

Their parents were crying.

Ranbir was just trying to get a glimpse of his Prachi.

They all had been kept away, behind barricades by the police officers.

This route didn't go towards their office, nor it went to any known place then where were Prachi and Aryan going?

The rescue team was now successfull in removing both the passengers who were now on oxygen support and laid on their respective stretchers. They were drenched with blood.

Aryan had probably broken his left arm while his white shirt now looked more like a red shirt. He had glass pieces on his face which causing him to bleed. The doctors present were trying to stop the bleeding.

Just like Aryan even Prachi had glass pieces all over her face causing cuts on her face causing excessive bleeding. Luckily her arms looked fine, not broken, but she had hit her head badly causing a deep cut.

Their condition looked scary. It was unbearable for their family members to see them like this. Never did they imagine that they would encounter such a day.

The car was in a bad condition with all broken glass pieces around it.

Luckily, Aryan and Prachi had seatbelts on or else they wouldn't have been breathing at the present moment.

They were immediately taken to one of the best nearby hospitals and Vikram made sure that they got the best and necessary treatment required.

They all were emotional, some had their tears rolling and some were trying to control them. It was a very difficult situation for them.


Both Aryan and Prachi were immediately taken to the operation theater, according to the doctors they were critical.

Pragya and Disha felt helpless, all they could do was pray. While Abhi could see his past turning into present. Purab loved Aryan a lot, he had always fulfilled his wish and in return aryan also did the same. They shared a perfect father-son relationship.

Ranbir had succeeded in seeing Prachi's glimpse at the accident spot. That one glimpse broke him from inside. For the first time in his life, he felt as if he failed, he failed miserably, he felt like he was useless as he couldn't protect her.
He needed Aryan, who was also on life support just like Prachi. Aryan was that brother to him for whom he could do anything, they weren't brothers by blood but they were brothers by heart and that made their bond more special.
At that moment it was Sid who was playing Aryan's role for Ranbir while Mishti supported the Mehra sisters.

Shahana was broken, she saw a hurt Ranbir falling to the ground with the help of a wall, she very well knew how he was feeling at that moment, she was the only one who could understand his situation. She sat next to Ranbir who was now on floor, while Ranbir tilted his head keeping it on Shahana's shoulder. They both began reminiscing their past memories in their thoughts and smiled while the remaining failed to understand what they both were feeling.

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