Ep. 15: Still the same

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Mishti hugged him tight. She knew her brother needed somebody. Ranbir opened his eyes to find mishti, they broke the hug when Mishti told Ranbir to just let it out.

He fell on the ground with a thud, he couldn't handle it anymore. He broke down, they both sat on the ground, she also had tears rolling down, never ever did she see her brother cry, this was the first time she saw him.

She realised that this wasn't the Ranbir she knew since childhood, that selfish guy who only thought of himself....this Ranbir was something else, she could feel the difference.

Ranbir: (sobbing) I can't see her like this. How can that doctor say that he does not know, how does he not know, what doctor is he if he can't get her back

Mishti was listening to him while Ranbir continued

Ranbir: I shouldn't have left her alone in the morning, the other day she was insisting me to take her along with me, I should have listened to her.....it's all because of me

Sid sits next to Ranbir

Sid: Ranbir, look at me......it isn't your fault

Ranbir held himself responsible for Prachi's condition, he couldn't protect her, he didn't listen to her and now she was pregnant. Sid and mishti tried convincing him but that was of no use.

The three of them went back.

It was night, so Sunny decided to stay back while Rhea and Ranbir also decided to stay back and somehow convinced the parents to go home and take rest and return the following morning. Sid, Mishti, Vikram and Shahana returned home along with the parents.

It was all over the news that Prachi Abhishek Mehra and Aryan Khanna met with a fatal accident.

There was media all over, outside their mansion and even outside their hospital after all it was a high profile case. Media houses wanted updates and were trying their best to get an update on their conditions.

Mehra Mansion

Abhi and Pragya had another task on line that was to find out about the guy Prachi was in a relationship with. How much they knew Prachi, she wasn't somebody who would have one night stands and they knew that she is among those who wanted serious relationship.

They both felt that it was important for her boyfriend to know about Prachi's pregnancy.


The three of them were tired but weren't sleepy, they were worried for the two of them.

The nurse told them to avoid wandering frequently around the observation ward so, the three of them decided to go to the cafeteria, they had ordered hot coffee which would keep them awake and fresh.

For a long time they didn't talk to each other, probably they didn't have anything to talk to each other.

Rhea: Ranbir, you need to tell Mom and Dad about your relationship with Prachi

Ranbir: I'll tell them tomorrow

Rhea: hmm

Next morning


Abhigya and dishrub arrive

They find the three of them sleeping in the waiting area, they quickly wake them up and tell them to go home and freshen up.

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