Ep. 17: Talking Out

669 52 7

Prachi's Room

Ranbir sits next to Prachi

Ranbir: (serious tone) I need to talk to you

Prachi looks at him: uhm...tell me

Ranbir: I was waiting for the right time and now it is...... so, your pregnant

Prachi nods a bit anxiously on what would Ranbir say next

Ranbir: what is your take on this?

Prachi: I don't know......uhmm..actually

Ranbir: okay...okay see....just tell me what you feel....you know that I'll always be there for you

Prachi: Me being pregnant was something that I didn't expect....we didn't expect.....I feel directionless...ranbir, for the first time in my life...I don't know what to do....we are only 23.....this isn't what I always wanted to do.....a family at this age was never on my list.....and you know that I didn't want to get married so soon.....we have are careers to focus on and...
( Prachi was getting restless )

Ranbir: okay....I'm getting your point and we weren't ready for marriage but now we need to think again about it because this time the situation is different or we can just terminate.

Prachi: Why don't we just go with the flow and..

Ranbir: and prepare ourselves for what's in store?

Prachi: yeah

Prachi keeps her head on Ranbir's shoulder while Ranbir hold Prachi tightly in his arms.

Prachi in Ranbir's arm: Is it important to get married?

And prachi looks at him

Ranbir: No..not at all....we can move in together just like we had planned before

Listening to Ranbir she smiles and  she again rests her head on his shoulder


Rhea was in the garden for a brisk walk. When sid enters who didn't know that about Rhea's presence

As soon as Rhea hears someone enter the Garden she turns around to find Sid standing at the entrance.

Sid was about to turn when he saw Rhea as he thought Rhea didn't want to see his face.

Rhea: Hey..hi

Sid: hi (small smile)

Rhea: Up for a talk?

Sid: Yeah sure

Rhea: I had my set of unanswered questions.....willing to answer?

Sid just stood there

Rhea: listen....I need to know what happened that day? Why did you change your mind? That's it

Sid: okay

They both start walking while they continue their conversation

Sid: shoot

Rhea: You loved me right? Or did I interpret things wrongly?

Sid: I did love you.....infact...uhmm....to be honest I still love you

Rhea: ( smiled on his confession ) then what changed your mind?

Sid stops walking and looks at Rhea

Sid: I have a 5 year old daughter.....about which you got to know recently.....I lied to you about my past....If I said yes that day then you would have been shocked and hurt today.....i thought about "us"

Rhea: I met her, she is a mature girl

Sid: yeah, more mature than me

Rhea laughs: ohh completely true

Rhea: I still love you.....and now even more than before.....I'm not forcing you.....I just want to give "us" a try.....I want it to work....please

On hearing Rhea's words, sid immediately hugs her and says, "yess"

They both hug each other tightly and have an emotional moment.

Aryan's Room

Shahana knocks on the door

Aryan: since when did you start knocking

Shahana sits on the chair next to his bed

Shahana: things aren't like before, Aryan

Aryan: we can just move on...u know

Shahana: I can't ignore the fact that you love me

Aryan: I cannot do anything about it Shahana

Shahana: Listen, there is something which you need to know

Aryan was about to speak

Shahana: no wait let me finish......I have had feelings for you right from childhood, I don't know whether I love you or no but one thing I know for sure is that I don't want to lose you, this friendship is something which I'll cherish forever and I just want us to be what we were before

Aryan: I would love to be what we were before and yes for time being we can ignore our feelings....that's what you mean right

Shahana: yeah.....goodnight

And she leaves

Few days passed by

Sid and Rhea started spending time together

Arhana were back to being "only bestfriends"

Aryan and Prachi were now able to walk with support

Breakfast table

Ranbir, Prachi and Aryan not present

Pallavi: Abhi, Pragya, I need to talk to you about Ranbir and Prachi

Mishti to Sid: Not again

To which sid giggles

Pragya: Yes Pallavi, we know what you want to talk about

Abhi cutting pragya: Infact Pragya has called the priest today to finalize a date

Pallavi: oh that's great

Vikram: I think we should talk to the kids first after all it's them who will get married

Abhi: we will talk to them as well....oh here they are

Prachi along with Ranbir's help entered the dining area

Prachi: waiting for us?

They both take their seats while Pragya grabs a plate for Prachi and Ranbir

Vikram: we were talking about finalizing a date for your wedding......so you both also must have thought about something

On listening to Vikram, Ranbir and Prachi look at each other


Will Pranbir reveal their decision to their family members?

What's in store for SidRhea?

Arhana will ever come close?

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