Ep. 28

480 48 11

Sunday afternoon

The Kohli's had gathered in the living room just like their usual sundays.

The Mehra's had just arrived and were in no mood of leaving before tea.

They all were playing cards and enjoying, they had no idea what was in store for them next.

Pallavi: Where is Shahana?

Rhea: She has gone out

Pallavi: ohh

They were so busy playing cards that everyone failed to realize Pallavi's phone ringing.

When it began ringing again....

Mishti: mom!! Your phone is ringing

Pallavi recieves the call only to hear a shocking news, on listening to the speaker she falls on the couch gaining everyone's attention

Vikram immediately goes and sits next to her

Vikram: what happened, Pallavi?


Ranbir was crossing the road while Prachi and Aani were on the other side waiting for him

Suddenly a car comes and dashes into Ranbir, the car's speed was high enough for him to go along with it

Everything happened within seconds, people around including Prachi was shocked. She held Aani's hand tight basically squeezing it, then she turned Aani tightly hugging her. They didn't understand what had just happened.

Next thing Prachi saw was Ranbir on the road bleeding badly.

She ran towards him, while a lady took Aani with her away from the scene, Prachi tried to wake him up, a person on spot had called the police and ambulance.

For prachi her world was breaking down into pieces.

Soon the ambulance arrived and Ranbir was taken to the hospital.

He was taken to the operation theater.

Prachi was sitting on the bench opposite to the O.T.

Prachi was still in shock, she hadn't uttered even one word nor did she cry. The lady accompanied Aani to the hospital, on seeing Prachi shocked she hugged her and told Prachi to inform her family about the accident to which Prachi didn't reply.

On no response from Prachi, the lady asked Aanya for a phone number that she remembered. Aanya soon provided the lady with Pallavi's phone number as once pallavi had told her to remember.

Aanya was scared, she didn't know what happened, Prachi and the lady had made sure that she does not see Ranbir.

Soon the Kohli's, Mehra's along with Aryan reach.

Pragya runs towards Prachi while Pallavi looked inside the O.T. and couldn't stop crying.

Sid tries consoling his mother while Purab consoles Vikram.

Aani runs and hugs Mishti who reciprocates the hug. Disha takes Aani home along with her.

Pragya hugs Prachi, and the moment Pragya hugs her, Prachi comes out of her state of shock and immediately breaks down. While Rhea gets water for her to drink.

Mishti and Sid couldn't believe what had happened.

In the morning, Ranbir was completely fine, laughing and cracking jokes and now he was on the hospital bed.

Noone knew what was happening, first it was Prachi and Aryan and now it was Ranbir.

Pragya realized that Prachi was now unconscious in her arms and they soon called a doctor who took Prachi for checkup.

Prachi's Gynaecologist was apparently working in the same hospital so she was already aware of Prachi's condition and she takes charge of her treatment.

Prachi's blood pressure was fluctuating which was not good for her. The doctors were trying their best to stable it but it was too late.

According to the doctors, she was probably feeling uneasy but didn't say anything due to the shock caused by Ranbir's accident.

She could see her colorful life turning black and white when she saw Ranbir in his pool of blood, she thought that she had lost him.

Pragya: What is happening? Everything was fine....why does she have to suffer everytime (she starts crying)

Rhea: Mom, Prachi will be fine...she is strong

Rhea was trying her best to not get emotional...literally everyone around her was crying and during this time she couldn't afford to shed tears.

The Gynaecologist goes to Abhi and Pragya

G: I think we will have to deliver the baby....Prachi is taking a lot of stress because of which her blood pressure is fluctuating and that isn't good for the baby and that might lead to the baby's heartbeat drop...if we don't deliver now then there might be complications in future

Abhi: Doctor, please go ahead .....we want the best care for Prachi

G: On it

Prachi was shifted to the O.T. for a C-Section.

They all were worried for her

After sometime

Ranbir's doctor after treating Ranbir informs them of his condition

Doc: He is out of danger but there are chances that there might be complications once he gains consciousness...for now I cannot say anything


Thank you

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