Ep. 11: Causing Questions

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When Ranbir and Mishti enter the room they find a small girl along with her nanny sitting on her bed

The girl looks at them and recognizes them instantly

No, she never met them but she had seen their pictures

She quickly runs towards them and smiles

Ranbir and mishti look at each other and have an eye talk on how to talk to the girl.

They had never met her before, they had seen her as a 4 months old baby, 5 years back when they themselves were babies. Ranbir was 18 while Mishti was 16.

Ranbir goes towards the girl

Ranbir: Hi Aanya ( moving his hands forward for a handshake )

Aanya: Hi

They both have a handshake

Ranbir: I am Ranbir, and she is Mishti ( pointing towards Mishti while she smiles )

He holds her hand and makes her sit on her bed while he bends down sitting on his knees

Aanya: I know you

Ranbir: hmm....you will be coming along with us and.....will be living with us. Are you okay with it?

Aanya: ( she nods her head positively ) yes

Mishti: okay then you quickly get ready...we will be waiting for you outside

Soon they all left for Kohli Mansion

On their way home they stopped to have ice-cream

Aanya seemed happy with them and it didn't look like they had met each other for the first time

While looking around aanya's attention goes on red balloons

Aanya: ( pulling Ranbir's shirt ) Bir, I want balloons ( pointing in that direction)

Ranbir: ( makes her sit on the car bonnet while she is having her ice-cream ) ( Ranbir looks in that direction ) sure, we will buy as soon as we are done with eating

Mishti smiles seeing Ranbir and Aanya's bond which was formed just few hours back

Aanya: Mish, I want one more ice-cream....the chocolate one

Mishti: what if you get cold?

Aanya looks at Ranbir with puppy eyes as Mishti declined her order

Ranbir: okay fine, do you like chocolate ice-cream?

Aanya: yassss

Ranbir gets prachi's call which he immediately accepts

Ranbir: hello babe

Prachi: I'm on my way home....I'll be waiting for you....come soon

Ranbir: I have met somebody who likes chocolate ice-cream just like you

Prachi: Really? Who?

Ranbir: That's a surprise......you will love it

Prachi: I'm guessing.....who can it be?

Ranbir: you don't know her....

The call gets disconnected. Ranbir calls her back but in vain.

Ranbir buys balloons for Aani and they leave for home.

The remaining of them reach Mehra Mansion tired

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