Ep. 7: Let's Go!!

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Kohli Mansion

Mishti: dad, I need to talk to you

Vikram: start

Mishti: okay, so I need to go on a holiday and for that I need your permission

Vikram: who is stopping? Do whatever you want to, anyways my opinion won't make a difference, it never made in this house

Mishti: thank you dad. I love you, let me inform everybody

And mishti leaves

Vikram: hey..hey..who everybody???...mishti!!!

Mishti's room

Mishti calls and informs Rhea that they are leaving tomorrow and she needs to inform others


Rhea and prachi are at the poolside

Rhea: we should go on a trip together....it's been a long time

Prachi: adventurous one

Rhea: yeahhhhhh....that's what I like about you

Prachi: I'm working, Rhea unlike before....so trip isn't possible so soon

Rhea: we can ask dad...he will allow...hope so

Prachi: did you tell him? I mean he really loves you

Rhea: He wouldn't have broken up with me if he really loved me, prachi.....he is my past and I have already forgotten him

Prachi: I don't think so

Rhea: and why do think like that?

Prachi: you haven't moved on yet, Rhea

Rhea: It isn't easy prachi.....after what dad did...dad's possessive nature is the reason why we broke up

Prachi: have you thought about your future?....why don't you go clubbing....its been a while you haven't gone...it will refresh your mind

Rhea: good idea

Ranbir enters with 3 beer cans

Ranbir: hey girls

Rhea: where is it?

Ranbir: here you go

Prachi while opening the can: I didn't know you would be coming over here

Rhea: I had called him....I hardly get to spend proper time with you all

Ranbir: cheers!!!!

They chit chat for an hour more

Ranbir: I need to leave...I was going to meet a friend of mine....so bye

Prachi: bye...good night

Rhea was about to say good night but then

She saw

Ranbir give a peck on prachi's lips and they both smiled at each other

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