Ep. 2: Life Changing

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Pragya: Even I have no idea of what is going on. Pallavi, do you know anything about it?

Pallavi: I only know that it is something related to the company

Disha and pragya: ohk

Purab: Someone call all the kids and ask them where they are?

Mishti enters

Mishti: Guys what happened, what was so urgent..I had to leave my boxing class and you all know how much i love boxing....by the way where is Bhai??

Pallavi: What do you mean? Wasn't he with you?

Mishti: Bhai didn't attend today's class, surprisingly

Vikram: Instead of discussing where is he amongst yourselves....just call him and ask? (Losing patience)

Abhi: Pragya, you to call Prachi, Rhea and shahana and ask where they have reached

Pragya: let me call them

Ranbir and Aryan enter

Ranbir: Good afternoon, ladies
( looking at pallavi, pragya and disha)

Vikram: Where the hell were you?

Mishti: ( cutting vikram )why didn't you attend boxing class today??????( angry )
I called you so many times but you were constantly rejecting my calls

Ranbir: You are behaving as if you were in trouble or something and you needed me....I very well knew that you were pissed with me for not attending

Mishti: What if I was actually in trouble

Ranbir: ( cutting mishti ) You never need my help and even if you are in trouble I know you can handle it on your own...you dont need anybody's protection..people need protection from you

Mishti: ( interrupting ) Dad!!!!!

Ranbir: and if I'm rejecting your calls means I'm busy...can't u understand that

Vikram: Ranbir! Mishti! Just shut up you two. We are over here for some important discussion and you two are fighting like idiots over a silly thing

Abhi: Why are u shouting at them, you should be pissed with yourself...they are just like you, they have got this trait from you

( everyone started laughing except Vikram )

Vikram: Shut up, Abhi

Pragya: I called Rhea just now, she said that they are outside in the parking area

Prachi: Not anymore, here we are

Rhea: What dad?, I had my plans today, you should have informed about this meeting well in advance

Abhi: sorry sweetheart!!

Disha: Now all the kids are present, jiju, now atleast tell

Abhi: yes disha, okay so kids, Purab, Vikram and I have decided that all of you will try their luck in our business

Aryan: what do you mean, chucks?

Vikram: Abhi means to say that you all will be employed by our company and will work for atleast 3 months and then after 3 months you all will decide whether you want to continue with your jobs or chase your dreams if any of you have

Shahana: what about sunny? Will he be joining us?

Purab: No, sunny won't be joining you all as he is already working under our other venture

Shahana: ohhk

Abhi: now I want to know what is your take on our decision

Ranbir: Chief, you know right I have no interest in our business

Abhi: Ranbir what's wrong in giving it a try, Ranbir and we have taken this decision keeping all these things in mind and nobody is keeping you away from your music career

Ranbir: okay chief that's better

Abhi: what about the rest of them?

Aryan: fine with it chucks

Prachi: I'm excited

Abhi: that's my girl

Shahana and Rhea looked a bit confused as they both are into designing which was sensed by abhi

Abhi: girls, you can reject this offer

Rhea and shahana together: then we are rejecting this offer

Abhi looks at purab and Vikram : see this was expected ( laughs )

Abhi: so mishti what about you?

Mishti: I really dont know, I think I should give it a try

Vikram: okay then Ranbir, prachi, aryan and mishti are joining office from tomorrow

Everyone leaves

Ranbir's room

Aryan: bro what are you thinking

Ranbir: life happened aryan, life
Today morning I was thinking of proposing to prachi which failed miserably and now from tomorrow I'll be an employee in my dad's company...I never ever thought that I would be working at an early age

Aryan: I get it ranbir...so what have u thought about prachi?

Ranbir: i dont know yaar...I need to propose to her as soon as possible before it's to late

Mishti: whaatttttt.....wait a minute....are u serious?????

Ranbir: shitt

Aryan: oh great!!

Mishti: what did you say, wait I'm a little confused, you love prachi?????

Ranbir: you won't tell anyone...promise me that

Mishti: I was always right...now this is amazing...aryan even u didn't tell me...what the hell!!...and who else knows about it?? When did u realize??
When will you propose? I need to be there...it should be grand....have u decided anything...tell me...tellllll

Ranbir: will u let me speak?

Aryan giggles

Ranbir: I need to know what she feels for me..I don't want to get rejected you know..

Aryan: You still have that ego of yours?

Mishti: if you really love her keep that ego aside and do something

Ranbir: I have no ego guys it's just that i don't want to spoil our friendship

Mishti: hmmm..do it as soon as possible

Ranbir: yeah I know

Shahana's room

Prachi arrives

Prachi: listen shahana I'm going for some shopping..do you need anything

Shahana: hmm...no.. actually let me join you as well I'll pamper myself in the mall's spa for sometime

Prachi: okay....I need some company..you know right I'm bad in selecting clothes..I take a lot of time in selecting

Shahana: yeah.. that's the reason why I'm not accompanying you...why don't u take Rhea with you??

Rhea while entering: oh please no I'm not doing that ( jumps on shahana's bed ) I don't have that much patience

Prachi: (looking at rhea) I'm not even taking you

Rhea: ya..ya..whatever. why don't you take RANBIR with you ( teasing Prachi )

Prachi: shut up Rhea there's nothing between us

Shahana: oh i don't think so....have you ever noticed yourself when you are around ranbir...u literally forget that people other than ranbir even exist

Prachi just gives an annoyed look and leaves shahana's room

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