Chapter 1: The Decision

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Hey, guys! This is a new story, teen fiction, and I hope you like it!



When I told my friend Cass that I wanted to go to the end of summer party as kindly hosted by none other than the most popular boy in school, Alex Knight, it turned into a very awkward moment indeed, full of glares and silences.

And heck yes, it was awkward as hell, especially because Cass found it not awkward but stupid and dangerous (and secretly, I think, hilarious). Because me, Maddie Brooke, wanting to go to a high school party? Wow, let's all shower confetti and celebrate this beautiful moment!


"You're not serious. You're fucking with me right now."

"Goodness, Cass, NO. I'm not. Despite my love for the rainbow, I would say I'm definitely positive that my feelings for you are anything but sexual."

"Stop drifting away from the subject, Maddie! You want to go to the party? Are you nuts? Have you lost your ever sensible mind?" She yelled, and I cringed. Anyone would, if they had Cass Holden yelling her head off at them.

Because Cass is what they call in the teen dictionary, a bad girl. And she's scary. I'm pretty sure I'm a magical unicorn if I struck such a good friendship with her, so odd to everyone, yet, it felt right, to me, at least. The benefit would be a great protection from the infinite bullies this school had and the many times I'd been bullied before meeting her.

"Its not just any party, Cass!" I yelled, trying to convince her, and doing a bad job. Because I literally suck at voicing my opinion. Probably why I got bullied so much.

"Its THE party. Its an end of summer party, a party where Alex Knight invited everyone! No distinction between who's a nerd and who's a jock, everyone's free to come and go as they please! And I'm not going to get another chance!"

"Why won't you?" She countered.

I laughed. Its ridiculous to even think I do.

"Look at me, Cass. I'm nothing but a nerd, a straight A student, whose name people probably don't even know about! I'm never going to be invited to any other party after this, for sure. Not to mention, this is the final year at school, I don't want to mess up anything- either my grades or my disciplinary card. Is that so hard to understand?"

"I get it, honestly, but parties are...are not for you, Maddie!"

"Why? Because I'm not cool enough?" I said hotly, a little hurt she also thought like that.

"No, because you won't be able to handle yourself! No one should go to parties, Mad! Not when they've never been to one. Its horrible, trust me."

"Well, you go to them, you hypocrite. How is it different for me?" I said coldly.

"I do. I do to escape the madness at my house. I can handle it, I've handled worst things. But you, Madison? Not a first timer like you, especially at such a party. Its going to be wild, with a capital W, I can tell. Trust me on this, Maddie."

And a part of me knows I should. Cass isn't called a bad girl for nothing. She's always had a weird life, with two hippie parents who are just plain lucky they worked their asses off when they were younger to be filthy rich now, rich enough that the money would probably last until Cass dies. Her parents are the kind of people who are proud of their daughter being a trouble maker, a daughter who drinks vodka like water from a water bottle. Cass has been going to all sorts of crazy parties since ninth grade, but when it comes to me, she becomes super protective of everything- and I don't mean just parties. Its great that ever since she came I'm not the number one target of the bitches and the assholes, but sometimes, it feels like I'm getting babied too much.

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