Chapter 22: Graduation

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Hi there!

Finally, the very last chapter of my very short teen fiction but honestly, I don't care. But thank you for all the reads and votes (now 7.7k and 240 respectively).

I don't know how to feel about this chapter; I've definitely written better and more in length. But this is a conclusion. I would elaborate more in the epilogue. HAHA.

Above: Nina Dobrev as a graduate Maddie ;)




I opened my eyes to my room shining brightly with the sun coming in through the windows.
And then I smiled.

Today was the day I graduated from high school. Anyone would smile, maniacally laugh even, when they had this thought. The hell that was high school would be over and the hell known as college would start (unlike many people I was very well aware that college wasn't the dandy shit that was portrayed in books). But that wasn't the only reason I smiled.

I smiled because I'd also got the first good night's sleep in over a week. And also because right now, at my own house in what used to my old nursery, my son was sleeping- or creating a ruckus, and therefore not letting my parents sleep.

My son. It felt so weird saying those words. No 17 year old (soon 18) should be saying those two words. Yet here I was, saying them and feeling something like a wide Cheshire cat grin coming on my face every time I did.

It was one week after finals had ended and I'd given birth. Truth be told, last week was a whirlwind. Between me getting my surprise labour and Colton asking to be a co-parent, AND my boyfriend (I try not to squeal every time I think that) to this whole trying to deal with a new born baby- I was exhausted. Which was why yesterday I packed my dress and robe and went over to Cass' to sleepover one last time - I wanted to get away from it all. Unlike legal parents, I had the luxury of actually leaving my son with my parents for one night. That, however, spoke a lot about my future as a mom.
Why didn't I leave him at Colton's? Well, the idea of him and I working together was strange to adapt to, even though we managed well during my pregnancy. Also, I couldn't get myself to drive over and meet his parents. Again.

Yeah, I met them. According to Colton, he hadn't told them about my pregnancy at all, and now, he said that he should have, for the news of a new kid seemed to breathe some life into them- the very next day after I'd been discharged and resting at home, my mom had opened the door and a few moments later, Mr. and Mrs. Rivera were standing at my bedroom doorway, faces stuck midway being happy and being hesitant. My mouth had dropped- not because they were here, but because I could actually see where Colton - and Serena- had gotten their genes from. To say that the Riveras were one gorgeous family would be an understatement.

My kid was so goddamned lucky to have the Rivera gene in him.

To conclude, yes, Mr. and Mrs. Rivera- or Harrison and Marcy, as they insisted on being called- were beautiful. And while I'd never known them pregnant or even before, when they asked to see my son, I didn't hesitate - they were as much his grandparents as my parents were- and I didn't regret it. Marcy began to weep a bit while tickling his chin, and I wondered if they were remembering when they did the same to baby Serena. I had looked away because I couldn't handle it for some reason- one, after all, does not become hormone crazy free suddenly after delivery.

Colton had come over later and apologised sheepishly for his parents, and I slapped him lightly. As I was watching my parents coo to my son, whispering to him about his beautiful blue eyes (Colton's - the ones that cemented my decision to keep him), Colton slipped his hand into mine and I felt him breathe into my ears- I involuntarily shivered.

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