Chapter 14: More Classes?

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OH MY GOD thank you!!! Seriously, another 1000 reads in one week??!! I'm over the moon. Seriously. It took like a year for this story to get 3K reads but I couldn't be happier. :'D Also a big thank you to EVERYONE who has added this story in their reading lists!!! (Jan 27 2016)

Because you guys are so amazing, I'm going to upload a chapter sooner than I thought. Sure, I had a writer's block but maybe I had a little bit of an idea ahahaha XD

Pic above^^^ is like Colton and Maddie at a birthing class :P (haha toldja already. But whatever) girl isn't Nina but she's a brunette so who cares.

Dedicated to @sanaadhingra - THANK YOU for your kind words, fellow Indian! It gave me such a boost, seriously, to come up with a new chapter!

Enjoy, and read on. There's been a two month leap. OK, will shut up now.


*2 months later*



"You're serious?"

"She is."

"I am."

Both Maddie and Cass answered at the same time, and I held back my shiver. Sometimes it felt like they had a telepathic connection. Maybe they did.

I stretched back and looked at Maddie again.

"You're seriously going to make me attend birthing classes?" I asked again, not able to believe it. I don't even know why that surprised me- obviously pregnant women needed to know how to deal with the stuff when labour pains struck. So why did I feel so uncomfortable?

It's because you're a guy, that's why, my thought said.

OK, but millions of men did this. Why did I feel weird?

Well, for starters, you didn't think you'd do it this early, it said.

Gee, thanks. I really needed reminders about how I might have messed up Maddie's life. She still had a lot of fire and if not for that bump making it evident that she was pregnant, I'd have found it hard to believe that she was, you know, pregnant. She still answered in class and her homework was always on time. Could she be more amazing? (Yes, she could, but that's not the point).

No, I think the reason I felt weird was the fact that...that it would be her that I'd be assisting in the class. Someone who I hadn't married or even loved, but boom, I was helping. I'd seen enough of movies to know birthing classes could be a different kind of weird, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to experience that weirdness with her. She didn't need any more weird.

"Yes, and since you've agreed to help me, you're obliged to follow whatever I ask of you." She winked at me and I felt something like a ballerina in the pit of my stomach. Then I brushed that thought out of my head because every time I thought ballet I thought about Serena, and how it was my fault my sister was dead. Because I was a selfish asshole.

But still. I wish Maddie wouldn't do that thing with her eyes. They always shone and crinkled with laughter, as if you and she were sharing a joke that no one knew about. At times, I loved it when she did that.

I'm a man of messed up feelings currently.

"Although, if you don't want to, you can leave, like the jerk you are." Cass says.

And there it goes. Any opportunity to feel a little good and the stupid bitch comes around to pop my bubble. Honestly, I thought I couldn't hate anyone more than myself, but sometimes I'm tempted to promote Cassandra Holden to the top, right above my name.

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