Chapter 12: Do You Wanna Hang Out?

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  A short filler chapter!

Colton^^^ (the last chapter one I had to put it somewhere)

My god. Uni started and I have literally no time. Sorry for the late update.

Making this decision, this decision to carry on with the baby without telling my parents was risky. Especially since they were away for Christmas. I had to tell them this either over the phone, or the email.

Or, maybe I'd tell them when they came back. I didn't want to spoil their Christmas with a 'hey I just want to let you guys know I'm gonna complete the term for the baby and haha.' That would be so wrong. Especially because if one of them exclaimed out loud or anything, the numerous relatives would get to know. Not an option.

Cass obviously disagreed with me, as she lately had been. Still, despite by stubbornness, she stuck. with me, because:

"You and I may have a difference of opinions, but that won't stop me from taking care of you. OK?" Which totally warmed me up.

And then there was the matter of Colton.

I'd called him after that morning of his confrontation with Cass. I was scared he'd leave again. And despite me hating him before, that thought was terrifying. I realized I actually needed him. For what, I had no idea, since I had Cass.

It went something like this:

Me: Hey

Colton: *sighed* Hey. How are you feeling?

Me: Um, I'm good. Listen, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened this morning. You can see... Cass feels pretty strong about, um, what's happening.

Colton: She needs to chill the fuck out. But, don't worry about it. If anyone should be saying sorry, it should be her.

Me: Oh. Um. I'll tell her.

I can't even say how awkward and stupid I sounded then. It was terrible, and I knew it was, because Colton laughed.

Colton: You sound so freaked out, Maddie. Really, I'm not mad. I'm just...I'm very grateful that you agreed, that you chose to believe me and not rubbish it like that bitch. Given what you did, I don't have any right to even scowl at you.

Why did he have to call me Maddie like that? I know its nothing different. I've been called Maddie my whole life except by my teachers, and sometimes when my mom was mad at me. But the way he says it, like the way he said it at the party, its just something else.

Or maybe my crazy hormones are trying to drive me mad.

Me: Oh, that's fine, Colton. Really, I should be thanking you, you gave me a chance to go with it, so yeah. Don't bother about it.

I was blushing during this. There was just something about him listening on the other end that made me feel warm.

Stupid hormones. Ugh.

I was about to hang up, when he said, quite suddenly.

Colton: Hey, you're alone?

Me: Um, yeah. Cass left long ago. Why?

Colton: Do you want to, I don't know, hang out or something?

Me: ....

Colton: Hello?

Me: What? I mean, yeah! Sure! Come over.

Colton: OK. See ya.

He hung up.

Come over? What was wrong with me? Why was I being so casual with a guy who knocked me up? Why was I looking forward to it?

I was so, so messed up.
I thought it would be a very, very awkward visit.

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