Chapter 3: Virginity Lost, Oh Shit

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*drum roll* badam tass! What happens now? ;) 


When I woke up, I suddenly felt goose bumps rising on my skin. Duh, it was fall, and I didn't have any-

I sat up fast in bed.

Some one else's bed.

Immediately, I realized I was wrapped up in sheets, and also, my entire body was soar. I was naked to the core. My lips felt swollen and my once straight hair was crazily twisting back to their old curled locks. 

I wanted to sob with the horror of the situation.

I couldn't believe I lost my virginity to some random stranger. Me, the person who wanted to do it with a special someone. That was an obvious conclusion; I'd done something, had something, ended up with someone from the party.

I couldn't remember anything, only glimpses and flashes. Crazy dancing. Hot kissing. I couldn't remember my virginity stealer's face (it's a crime, ok), only the brilliant blue eyes. Messy brown hair. But for the love of god, I couldn't remember his face, or his name.

I hugged the sheets around me. I was scared. What had I done? I'd done everything the opposite of what my parents told me not to do. I was a bad girl, right?

And where was that guy? How dare he just leave me like that? Was I nothing but a one night stand?

My eyes widened as I realized this- I was a one night stand. I met some guy, I was drunk, and then we somehow ended up in bed together. 

It was too much to handle, all at once. Also, my head hurt like a bitch, so much so that the light in the room made me want to wake up and slam my head onto the wall to make it stop.

Then suddenly my phone rang.

I scrambled to pick it up and sighed with relief on seeing Cass' name on the screen, along with her face showing a mischievous grin.

"Hello?" I breathed.

"Where the actual fuck are you?" She yelled, so loud I had to take the phone away from my ear.

"I...I..." I couldn't answer. It was like the speaking part of my brain had stopped working, as the full gravity of the situation I was in actually hit me harder than before.

Cass seemed impatient with her volley of questions that I had tuned out. Suddenly, she fell quiet, as if she'd realized something.

"Maddie...are you still...there?" She said, her tone echoing a restraint, calming and scary.

I shook, but I knew I could tell her the truth.

"Yeah, I am, Cass. And I'm naked." I blurted out.


Cass cut the call with a 'I'm gonna be there,' and I was once again alone, with my thoughts. My dress was lying in a pile on one side of the bed, and my heels were flung away somewhere. I was in one of the numerous rooms in Alex Knight's house- I'd never thought that would be possible for me. But here I was, though in an unwanted situation. I decided to exercise my liberty of using the bathroom to shower, to hopefully make the memory go away. Once in the shower, the hot water actually did help, but only for a short time.

I dressed once again and waited there awkwardly in the room, not knowing whether I should go down and meet Alex or worse, his parents themselves. That would be beyond weird.

As I hung around the room, the door opened suddenly and in popped in Alex's head.

"Is anyone- oh, hey." Alex said cheerfully. I didn't reply. He leaned against the door and looked at me top to bottom, and that made me uncomfortable.

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