Chapter 2: Meeting the Bad Boy

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Oh, yeah, the party that changed everything.

Chapter 2 guys, enjoy!

Maddie in her party dress on the side»


I've never done this before.

Get ready for a party, I mean. It's weird, in a thrilling way, thrilling because it's the first time I'm actually making an effort to look good. At least, I hope I do.

Cass might have been mad at me, even after my parents gave me permission to the party she didn't want me to go to, but that doesn't mean she's not going to help me, especially if I don't know the D of dressing up nicely.

Currently, she's straightening my hair completely, and I have to say, it looks good. Since my dress is supposed to be a simple, straight, black short one, she said this hair style would go with it. I let her do whatever she wanted, because honestly, if I complained too much she would probably get too pissed off and do something extreme, like, burn my hair rather than straightening it.

When my hair was done, she did my make up, putting some mascara on my eyes, thick dark eyeliner, and red lipstick. Then I slipped into my dress and black heels, which was tough walking in, but I managed. It hurt a little, which made me think, did girls and women really walk/run in these all day long?

Then I was done.

Cass gasped a little.

"Well, I didn't realize you could pull off sexy so well." She mumbled.

My eyes widened. "I look sexy?"

"Like Catwoman! I'm amazing at this! Anyway, go on! Take a look!" She urged.

I did, stumbling a little but walking quite well, before I came and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I couldn't believe that I was the pretty person in the mirror. I looked...

"...beautiful. There's no other word. Well, there is sexy, but then, you're both sexy and beautiful. Happy?"

"Oh, thanks, Cass, so much!" I almost yelled. Then I hugged her tightly. To have a friend like her is a gift.

Cass blushed. I looked at her top to bottom. Since she thought dressing me up would take time, she'd dressed up first, wearing a strapless cheetah print dress which I thought was revealing but I didn't mention it. In addition to that she'd added a headgear of a cat's, and generally she looked scarily sexy. The headgear clashed perfectly with her black hair and made her really look like a cat, what with her blue eyes shining out of her face.

"Well, we'll both look amazing today, and no one will recognize me as Maddie, right?" I said wistfully.

"Like you're sneaking in- you were invited, remember? So go in and introduce yourself if people ask you- don't be scared, OK?" Cass said fiercely.

"OK." I breathe, slightly nervous. I shrugged myself into a jacket, not because its cold, but because my parents might object. Cass did the same.

It was going to be awesome.


When Cass and I entered the huge mansion, it was already wild- and getting wilder. I thought I saw someone hanging off the chandelier but I didn't pay too much attention- I was awed by the whole scenario. It certainly felt like the ones they described in books and movies. I grabbed Cass' hand tightly, I didn't want to let go off her, because I was scared suddenly. And try as I might, I couldn't remove that fear.

She dragged me to a corner, away from the main crowd, a little less crowded but still having people joking here and there. A couple of boys stopped and stared at me and I got a little uncomfortable- give me a break, I've never been ever stared at like that, like I'm some hot object or something. I didn't say anything, though. They could be staring at Cass as well, she looked more welcoming than me for sure.

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