Chapter 13: I Can TOTALLY Explain This

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I keep forgetting. I'm sorry. I had a nice, month long break from uni and I used that to catch up on books and TV shows (omigawd Arrow is the bomb, and I'm officially Sherlocked :P)

I've also been writing chapters for another story I've been thinking (is it tentative? I don't know. But I'm definitely liking it and will post soon).

And then I was volunteering for special needs children (education) so well, I'm sorta back. YAY.  

 So I was checking my notifs and lo and behold, there were so many votes on TBBB! Seriously, 2000 reads? And 107 votes? This is big to me. Thank you so much, for the reads!

Last chapter recap: Maddie and Colton are talking and were probably going to kiss when they're interrupted by the return of her parents.
This is after, explaining Maddie's decision again. Enjoy ;)  

(Dedicated to @fayham for voting so much *_* if it doesn't show I'll try again later :P)


 Seeing my parents like this was definitely not part of the plan.

The looks of joy from their faces dropped and became two distinct looks- my mom, a look of surprise, and my dad, well...he looked like he could whip out a shotgun right there and then and shoot Colton right in the head.

Yes, I was scared, and I think so was Colton.

"Hey, Mom, Dad, what's-"

"What's the meaning of this?!" Dad roared, not looking very handsome (as he usually he did). I took a step back, scared. I reached behind with my hand and unintentionally grabbed Colton's hand. Surprisingly, he squeezed back.

Honestly, how was he not scared right now? The voice my dad just used could almost be akin to his courtroom voice. But then, again, the boy probably had daily run-ins with the police. Maybe he didn't scare easy.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Brooke." He said, suave and calm, not looking like the bad boy he really was.

This was his charm, I realized. It was his talent, the way he could switch from a cussing bad guy to a perfect gentleman. He was even standing straight, looking taller than, well, everyone in the room.
"Who are you, dear? And...what are you doing in Madison's room?" Mom asked. Great. My full name. Meaning she was pissed, but because she's a nice lady (and a good actress), she won't flare up like Dad.

I knew what she was doing. You don't live with lawyers for seventeen years and not learn some of their tricks. She was tricking him into thinking that she was a sympathizer, and he was going for it. I looked back and saw his face. His ice blue eyes were melting.

I wish I could yell a warning to him. But now wouldn't be a good time.

"Uh, I'm Maddie's friend. Colton Rivera."

All hell broke loose.
If you've never been in one of those fights where you either jump in between two people fighting or protect one guy from being attacked, count yourself lucky.

My dad literally lost all his cool lawyer swag (I have got to stop saying swag, it's stupid) and went all caveman on Colton. Or almost, because I was in between, and then Mom came in too.

"You goddamn asshole!" Dad swore, something I'd never seen in my life. According to Mom, if Dad swore at all, it was with his drinking buddies or something. Definitely, never in front of his "precious lily". His words, not mine.

I guess finally meeting the guy who impregnated your daughter can loosen the tightest of screws. Suffice to say, I'd never seen this and a guilty part of me kind of liked it.

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