Chapter 8: Hormones?

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Short filler chapter, enjoy!


I expected it, all the catcalls and in some cases, abuses of 'whore' and 'slut', which I took silently. I knew the cons of my decision. I'd learnt to be calm about it, and honestly, after sometime, I didn't even care much. The good thing about this pregnancy was that, while everyone was horrible, they were horrible verbally and didn't come near me. This meant that Cass didn't have to be around me 24X7. Half the time I was holding on to her because she was like a loose cannon, going off the handle whenever someone called me something.

I wasn't that scared of Colton even. He looked scary, he glared, but he and I both knew, he couldn't hurt me at all. If he did, well... He knew my parents were kick ass lawyers. And he didn't need anything bad on his record anymore than he already had.

All throughout the two weeks after I told my parents, I'd barely looked at him, though I could feel his gaze burning into me sometimes. Then Cass would give him the finger or whatever badass people did and he'd look away. Thank goodness for that.

I was 6 weeks pregnant, almost 7 now, and I could see a little formation of belly, a little hard whenever I poked at it. I could easily hide this when I wore huge clothes, like my dad's sweatshirt, so until sometime at least I could look normal in school, though I wasn't fooling anyone, they'd all heard my argument with Colton that day. Rumours had spread throughout the school, like how I'd kidnapped Colton and taken him to sperm bank so I could have his baby or something as obnoxious. Whatever they were, most of them painted me as the criminal and Colton as the hapless guy with a burden. I knew who the people spreading the rumours were: his stupid fangirl club, females all throughout the school in love with him. I knew they were jealous of me. I knew that half of them would want to be in my place. Idiots.

The rumours reached the teachers but unlike everyone else, they were sensible and knew I wasn't the kind of girl that desperate to get pregnant. They were nice as usual, and many of them gave me tips on how to handle a pregnancy. Half of them were like Cass, wanting me to give it up because I would not be able to handle it.

So that's how it was. Girls throwing jealous glares. Guys asking if I was 'available'. Teachers being nice. Typical.

I was actually happy about how I was going through with it. Sure, the morning sickness sucked and I had to be careful of what to eat but I was happy that I wasn't attached. Mechanical, robotic. My mother still gave me those sad smiles, like I was soon going to lose my calm and fall in love with the baby. Yeah, right.

Then it all changed. It did start to spiral, but I had no idea at that time.

It went something like this. It was English Literature, and as usual Colton was in front of me. Ever since I'd started this class I'd always paid attention to him and no one else, to the point I didn't even know who sat behind me or otherwise.

I'd reached class late that day- on account of a sudden bout of throwing up- and I'd rushed, almost running. Mrs. Smith didn't say anything, only smiled and I entered, head down, feeling the gaze of everyone on me. I was preparing to sit down on my sit- ignoring Colton and everyone- when someone whispered.

"Oh, lookie here, the slut's here." It was a girl's voice. Normally girls didn't say much so I was surprised.

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