Chapter 11: Breaking The News

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Its great ppl are liking this story! Enjoy this, Cass blows her head in this XD

Pic above^^^ Cass mad at Maddie


I woke up in the morning feeling better than I'd ever felt before. Not only did the morning sickness not strike me but I felt happy as I went over the events of last night. So happy to the point of me dancing in the shower, and getting a marvellous breakfast of crepes and coffee ready.

I was just about done making a delicious breakfast for two when the doorbell rang.

I went to get the door and found Cass, literally bouncing with some weird energy (probably demonic; she was a believer in dark stuff), making a really creepy smiley face, I suppose. Then without waiting for any greeting, she rushed past me and bounded straight for the kitchen.

"Heyyy bitch!" She said.

"Good morning to you too." I reply, keeping wary of her. And, also, if need be, keep her from the lounge, where Colton was crashed out.

"Its finally here! Tomorrow you become baby less and your life will be back to normal!"

Oh. That was the reason for her extreme energy.

"Oh. Um, yeah."

She looked at me a little suspiciously. "Why are you looking sad? Are you?"

"Um, about that-"

"Oh mi gosh, what a good breakfast! Except I don't like crepes, Maddie- what is wrong with you? And two plates! Wait, were you planning to eat two full plates? Wow. That's craazzy. Well, I'll have the coffee though. What a beautiful day, huh?" Cass fired away, which meant she was really excited about the abortion (ugh) and which made my decision to not do it a whole lot more difficult. How the hell would I explain it to her? 

All I knew was that if she knew Colton was behind it, she would go full on Charlie's Angels on him and beat the crud out of him. And as much as I would have liked that before last night, now it would be an inconvenience to lose him.

I had to keep her away from the Lounge at all costs.

"Yeah. Pretty good." I replied.

"You know what, we'll celebrate your last day as a mom. Let's watch Rosemary's Baby. Its a creepy movie. I watched it when I was, like, 10 and it put off babies for me. Babies are weird. I'm thinking HD, with a huge bag of popcorn- why the fuck are you screaming?"

This, because I'd ran top speed and blocked her way from going into the lounge, while squealing a bit.

"Um, you can't go in there." I said, blocking the way.

She immediately became suspicious. "Why not?" She tried to get past me. "What's behind the door? What are you hiding from me?"

"It's nothing..."

"You'll keep secrets from me? Your best friend?" She asked with wide eyes.

Oh man, she was taking the emotional blackmail route. Is shook my head at her vigorously.

"No! It's, special, you can't know- hey, stop trying to remove me!"

"You know I hate secrets! What is it?"

"Fine, stop just- ok, its your birthday present."

She stopped.

"Birthday present?"

"Yeah. Its kinda big and special and you can't know about it. So."



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