Chapter 15: Of Ultrasounds and Messed Up Feelings

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So, hi! I know, i know, it's been super long since I last posted, about a month? And I'm Sorry. But March was submission month: I was floored with assignments to submit and internals to give. By far my busiest month in this semester xD.

AND, THANK YOU FOR THE 5.1K READS. It means the world! And 158 votes wooohhoooo! It took like a year for this story to get 3K reads and now over two months or so it's doubled! Well, almost. This makes me giddy with joy.

Part of the reason I was taking so long to update was besides the work, I had to plan out the plot a bit. It was rather stupid of me not to make a rough draft before- I just went ahead and posted part of the story I had already planned out. Bad writer? Perhaps xD And I planned out the end, and some snippets, but this chapter I didn't have much clue. Add to that that I am not focussing on the pregnancy- its Maddie and Colton. So anyway, this is going to be a pretty short story I think. Definitely not those 50-60 chapters one. Which saddens me but I've never liked dragging a story. So.

Anyway, I hope you like this part! As always, I don't know much about pregnancies, I'm clueless, whatever I write is internet based, so if there's a mistake, please point it out :) a big welcome and shout out to the new readers!!!!

Above is the picture of a baby at 6 months. I just thought it would be cool to add an ultrasound of that. That is not Maddie's kid by the way. That's an image I picked off Google.



*6th month*

"Are you comfortable then?" The doctor asked, carefully rubbing the weird ultrasound jelly thing over my belly. I'd forgotten what it was called, and this worried me. Was forgetfulness one of the symptoms of pregnancy? Again, that was funny, because a) I didn't know, or b) I'd, I don't know, forgotten?

"Um, yeah?" I spoke, tentatively, because I wasn't really sure. This was the first time I'd gone for an ultrasound. I know, I know, pretty stupid of me, but before today, I didn't feel the need to go. But Cass, along with Colton (the first time they were in actual agreement) insisted that I'd delayed enough. According to them, despite the care I took, something could have happened to the baby. It was my duty as a caregiver to be responsible, apparently.

Cass had come along; she wasn't in a mood to go to school today. Colton had to go; he had a test to give in English Literature; a test I'd already given thanks to Mrs. Smith being completely understanding about my condition and mailing me assignments, homework and respective tests on the day before they were to be given to the rest of the class. And, despite being what I would say a modest person, I was actually very proud for gaining top grades again. A pregnancy, thwart ME from going to my dream school? Nope, not happening.

Cass was sitting in the corner reading a magazine. As the doctor got the equipment ready, I thought about the past month, the changes I'd felt, both physically and emotionally. For instance, Cass. The relationship we had before had changed; even I, with my hormones, noticed her coldness towards me. She helped me, but there were times when I thought she wanted to bail, or just do something. When she talked about my condition it always held this slight contempt. I knew she didn't like the fact that I went ahead with this pregnancy. She always bristled like a defensive cat every time Colton came around. I hope it were the hormones messing around with my head, because I couldn't make sense of what the heck was happening, and it tired me to think so much.

And then there was Colton. For the love of me, I couldn't figure that boy out. He was so confusing sometimes and so straightforward at some, and it messed me up, big time. He'd talk wonderfully sometimes, open and calm, and then he'd shut up, away from reality, and I knew it in my heart it was his sister, the sister I now could see he loved so very dearly that her death was killing him slowly. But he'd never show me that side of him. No, whenever I was around, he'd turn into this happy sunshine ball, smiling (and looking heart wrenchingly beautiful), as if his darkness was his alone. And deep inside, I wished he would open up to me, but reality took over and asked: Why would he open up to YOU, a person he didn't even know before this happened?

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