Chapter 10: Don't Do It

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The blurb part starts now! Special: Colton's POV!!!

gif above^^^closest I could get to Colton in the rain scene!




The rain was fucking cold but I didn't care. I had to tell Maddie something and it couldn't wait. I had to at least try, and not chicken out like I had been for the past almost 3 months. 

I could hear her talking to someone else as she came closer- probably Cass, her only friend, if my observations were right.

Yes, I had been observing her. I felt terribly guilty for what I'd done to her- and honestly, I don't remember the night of the party much to remember if I'd actually used a condom. It scared me, like it had scared me to wake up that morning and seeing what I'd done. Because for the first time in many years I'd actually felt a great connection to a girl I'd randomly met. Maddie was different- and I could tell she was beautiful even without all that make-up. Talking to her felt like talking to an old and trusted friend- even though she had been drunk then. I'd almost been about to tell her about my secret- and then she began making out, and I forgot.

I'd been a dick to her when she told me she was pregnant- I'd chickened out, denied it, and abused her- and she was right in beating the crap out of me and possibly handing out my ass to me. When I heard her tell it I was scared. And then I kept thinking and thought, maybe this was a second chance for me to correct my guilty past. And now Holden bragged about how Maddie wasn't going to go along with it- and I had to do something about it. Sure, I couldn't force her to keep going on- but maybe I could give her a reason to. And that's why I was here in this freezing cold rain, going over my words again. Spit out my proposal, then go away and wait for her to tell me.

I banged at the door again. The door creaked open and I saw Maddie's warm brown eyes.
"H-hey." I started. Damn. I must be really cold to start stammering like that, but I felt numb.

She continued staring.

Justified. Giant asshole here just saying hi like it was normal, like Maddie and I were old friends.

"I-I just wanted t-to tell you something." I began, and then shivered unconsciously. "It's about-"

"What the hell are you doing outside in the rain? Come inside!" She said, hastily opening the door more and pulling me inside. What was she doing?

She didn't wait. She grabbed my arm and dragged me inside and shut the door. Then we stood in silence for a few seconds, wherein the only sound came from my dripping clothes.

"What are you doing out now? Didn't you know it was going to rain?" She said absently. "I'll get you a towel, just a few minutes." She hurried inside and came later with a big fluffy towel that she wrapped around me.

I didn't get it. Why was she being so nice?

"What are you still standing for? Dry yourself!" She chided, sounded like my mom when I was younger. I did as she said while trying to avoid eye contact.

I dried myself as much as I could but my clothes were still wet, and clinging to me, cold. 

", I came to tell you something." I said hesitatingly.

"Couldn't it have waited? And anyway, if it was that urgent, you could have called. I'm sure the house number is in the town directory. You didn't have to come all the way in this rain." She sounded upset and when I looked up at her, I swear I thought she looked a little guilty.

"Its OK," I said lamely. Then she slapped her forehead. 

"God! Your clothes are still wet! Wait, I'm sure my dad's clothes are there, maybe they'll fit you." Then she frowned as I had another massive shiver. And felt a little weak. She came close and I could smell a lavender fragrance coming from her.

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