Chapter 4: The Criminal Is Who?!

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Matt Lanter as Colton on the top^ (isn't he cute)

The big reveal :O


Two weeks later since the 'incident', I was getting used to the fact that I had attended my first party and all was well. Sure, I'd lost my virginity, but I was determined to start my school year by finding out who it was. There was possibility that the stranger could be from outside school but instinct told me that the guy was from my school. Sure, Alex's parties were supposed to be wilder than normal but he was tough enough on outsiders; if anyone from outside school did come, he would sure be thrown out as fast as a lightning strike.

So that was sorted. Cass wasn't so optimistic about my surety of mystery guy being a school student. In her mind, he was a serial murderer/rapist who went around prowling in dark alleys, seducing young, virgin, unsuspecting girls with his silky voice and then doing the deed and killing the girls off. That was, until I told her how ridiculous she sounded. This wasn't a Hannibal Lector movie, for god's sake.

So this was what I was thinking on the night before the first day of school. I hadn't told my parents about my rule breaking because they would have flayed me alive. I just told them I had fun, that was all, and they didn't suspect anything, so it was great, though I did feel a little bad about lying to them.

I was excited. Tomorrow, I knew it, if I saw that familiar flashback face, I would definitely recognize him. Once I did, I would...well, I didn't know if I would leave him alone. Yeah, I would just tell Cass who it was and Cass would painfully castrate that guy.

Ok, a horrible wish, but hey, I was upset about what happened.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I checked it, and smiled. 

Cass: Hey, you ready for 2mrw?

Me: Duh. I get to find my virginity stealer!

Cass: -_- really, you're that excited? You just tell me the name 2mrw and he'll never be a man again.

Me: Cass, we talked about this. You won't do anything until I say so, OK?

Cass: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Fine, ttyl, parents calling. Good night :*

Me: yeah, you too. :*

I switched off my phone and lay down to sleep. Who knew what would happen tomorrow?


The next day at school was full of talk about the awesome party. Making my way through throngs of students to my locker was difficult because suddenly it seemed like people wanted to block my way.

For once no one picked on me, even if I was without Cass. The girl was as usual running late and texted me that she would meet me later. It was actually a relief not to be tripped and all.

As I was opening my locker to take out stuff for my first class, I managed to catch a few words of exchange between a couple of jocks nearby. I didn't pay attention to who were in it, so I was taken aback to find Alex's voice among them. 

"Man, did you happen to see that hot chick in the LBD?" Someone whispered.

I froze. I mean, there were many girls there who went in a LBD, but still. I carefully shuffled through my books while keeping an ear to the conversation happening. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Alex leaning against one of the lockers. 

"Yeah, man. She was H-O-T. I wonder where she came from..."

"Caught her name?" A blond asked.

"Yeah, something like Courtney or Maddie or something..." He muttered, his hand going through his hair. I checked out his profile. I mean, I knew how he looked like, blond and blue eyed, the typical, so he definitely, 100% wasn't the guy, despite the blue eyes. Despite my inability to remember the person's face, I knew that person had been a brunette.

Meanwhile, back to the conversation.

"So, did you score with her?" Another asked. I clenched my hands at the way he spoke. Asshole.

Alex shook his head. "Nah. That Cass bitch came outta nowhere. Lost the chance, I guess." He laughed, before leaving with his cronies. My hands shook but I couldn't do anything. Cass had been right. It had all been about the dress. I'd been dressed like I'd never dressed before and suddenly I looked like eye candy to the hottest guys in school. And I hated it. The way they talked, like I was nothing but a plaything, not to be seriously dated, made me wish I wasn't weak and was perhaps strong like Cass. I knew if she'd been in my place she would have made these guys loose their baby making tool.

I was surprised to find my eyes blurry with tears. I hastily wiped my eyes and made my way to class.

My first class was AP English. I rushed towards the class and entered. I bowed my head down, and was thankful that people were still discussing my alter ego in an LBD, and that made them not pay attention to my late entry. Only Mrs. Smith gave me an evil eye but didn't say anything. The perks of being a nerd, I suppose.

As she began to start Hamlet, one of Shakespeare's famous plays, the door banged open, making almost everyone, me included, jump a few inches in the air. In came in a tall person.

"Late as usual, Mr. Rivera. Are you ever going to change your habits?" Mrs. Smith said briskly.

"Nope, you know me, Mrs. S," he said. His face was covered by his hoodie. Mrs. Smith sighed and pointed the seat right in front of me. 

"Take that seat, Mr. Rivera. And do not disturb the class further." He mock saluted, but didn't move. 

"And for god's sake, remove that hoodie. You look like a thug," she ranted. I felt a tiny bit sorry for him but knew that I shouldn't, especially since he was wasting the class time.

Of course everyone knew him. Colton Rivera, the bad boy of the town and school, feared by almost everyone. He was in news for all the wrong reasons, had already got 8 out of 10 warnings in school, hated by all the teachers, loved by some of the girls for his undeniable hotness, or so I heard. I'd never really looked at him before, nor had I had any classes with him. He was almost like a different species to me.

At first I thought he would probably not do what Mrs. Smith asked. But he did. He removed the hoodie and his face was revealed.

I gasped.

The girls were right of course, he was hot, but that wasn't why I gasped. It was because the moment I looked at his face, I knew.

He was it. He was him. I easily recognized the messy brown hair framing his face. Worse, I recognized those hypnotising blue eyes, the eyes that had so charmed me into liking him the night of the party.

I couldn't believe it. I'd lost my virginity to none other than the bad boy of town, Colton Rivera.


The Big reveal!!!! I know it sounds ridiculous to not remember something like that but what can I do, the plot demands it (*laughs out loud*)

LBD= Little Black Dress.

So what's going to happen next? Tell me in the comments :* positive criticism welcome! VOTE!

Cherie, XOXO

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