Chapter 5: The Curse Didn't Visit Me

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Nina Dobrev as Maddie^ (I'd like to think of this pic as representing her sadness in the upcoming chapter)

Title means what? ;)


The moment, that moment when everything's in slow motion, and the Prince Charming raises his eyes slowly to meet the lovely, unknown princess' eyes as they communicate a sudden crush they developed on each other is indeed a perfect one.

Except that's not what happened here, nor is it a Disney movie.

Because Colton Rivera wasn't a Prince Charming, he was the very opposite of it. I definitely wasn't an unknown princess, I was simply an unknown nerd girl who just happened to accidently sleep with the bad boy of town.

A pretty fast transition from talking-with-the-eyes-first-time-crush to screw the eye talk, let's hook up. Pretty much what happened at the party.

As soon as I looked at Colton, I recognized him as the one in the party. As soon as I found out he was the one, I didn't want him to remember me. Most probably he didn't. Bad boys like Colton don't care much for any girl, so me, a pretty plain one, why would I? Granted I had been in a dress that floored even Alex Knight but c'mon, Alex was known to be a douchebag,  known for sweet talking to get girls into bed. Colton was all about getting what he wanted right away, or you face the wrong end of the gun. Or maybe I was just exaggerating.

Damn my luck was pretty rotten. 

And it looked like it had plenty more life to rot away more.

Because as he made his way to the chair in front of me, he looked up to see who was going to sit behind him, probably someone who could help him cheat in tests and all.

He looked at me, and he froze.

I saw it in his eyes, he recognized me, even without my crazy make up and hot LBD, he recognized plain Jane me, something I was hoping against hope that he wouldn't. Maybe he froze over the shock that he actually had a nerd that would most definitely say yes to helping him with his homework after he threatened her in the parking lot.

Aah, who said one couldn't dream?

I averted my gaze from his hypnotising blue eyes and I heard him shuffle to his seat. That little freezing moment happened for a second but felt like an hour.

He sat in front of me and I couldn't help but notice that his hair was all so messily arranged, bedroom style, in a cute way. For some stupid reason I wanted to straighten them out, or maybe I just wanted to touch it. Ugh, listen to me, I sounded so horrible.

He was also taller than me, duh, so I had to crane my head to look at what Mrs. Smith was teaching. It became ridiculous because he was just sitting there, not even taking notes, and here I was trying to and his big head blocking my view. Also, my neck started hurting like a bitch and I started to get annoyed. I mean, this jerk is uselessly sitting here and I wanted to study. The least he could have thought was offering to exchange seats with me.

Ha, who was I kidding, this guy shamelessly hooked up with me and took advantage of my drunk state. The last thing I could expect from him was concern ot manners.

Finally it got too much and I tapped my pencil on his shoulder. He didn't stir at all. I tapped harder and there wasn't any reaction. I realized finally that this guy was openly sleeping in class, arms over his chest and head held up high, inconsiderate of what Mrs. Smith would say if she caught him. This flipped me off. The jerk was sleeping and sitting up. I leaned forward and hissed into his ear.


The guy jumped a little and turned around, annoyance lighting up in his blue eyes.

"What did you wake me up for?" He hissed right back.

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