Chapter 21: Finals are a Nightmare

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It's been 8 days since the update, I realise, but i was busy catching up to Flash. Also, I didn't like writing this chapter AT ALL. It seems rushed and terrible, and I'm sorry for that.  I just wanted to get over with this, I suppose :/

So here is chapter 21! After this one more chapter, and then epilogue, then cut!



A week after the prom was Finals week. 

This was it. My high school was finally over, and in one week it would all be over. And the week after that, I'd be non pregnant.

I'd talked to some potential parents and most of them were very nice, particularly a family called the Mirren's. They weren't desperate for a child as such because they were pretty young but Mrs. Mirren had an accident in her childhood that left her barren. They were looking at all options and had thought adopting would be a good one. They had a pretty decent family life and I didn't mind my unborn child living with them.

Except that I was hesitating. And while Mr. Mirren was gung ho about the whole thing, Mrs. Mirren noticed this. 

"Sweetie, it's wonderful what you're going through, but I have a feeling that you don't want to do the adoption."

I smiled weakly. "I really don't know, Mrs. Mirren. I was so sure of giving up this child but I'm not as sure anymore. I'm sorry for being so indecisive."

She only shook her head. "Darling, this happens. Which is why Mark and I didn't keep adoption as our only option. If you do decide...otherwise, don't worry about us. We'll manage. You are doing a great favour, after all." And left.

Yeah. I was doing a favour for everyone and not getting anything in return. 

I tried not to wince when I thought back to what Colton told me. Somehow I was at peace with it. I hadn't given up my hopes on him, but I wasn't going to allow myself to be dependent anymore. I shook my head and concentrated on my exam for Monday.

Yeah, everyone had told me to rest and to not worry about the exam; they'd even given me the option of delaying my exams until I gave birth, but I said no. No matter my situation, I hated that I had any advantage over the other students. I wanted to apply for this equally. All of us would be applying for colleges (or in my case, applying for the ones that were left because I got accepted early decision in some of the good ones) and for me to have more time for studying and giving the same exam as them would be unfair. So I resisted their protests and studied like everybody.

Of course it was tough. It was a nightmare. I felt sleepy a lot and had bouts of energy, and since I wasn't supposed to take coffee I had to rely on my own, pregnant body. See, it is at times like these that being a nerd helps because I'd studied all this before and had my notes ready, so I could revise just fine. I tried not to smirk as I heard about how people were studying at the very last minute (as most people tend to do). 

Cass had taken my advice and had, to my surprise, started studying two months prior, and she would come over everyday with doubts and practice questions, and tests that I gave her, and she really was a brilliant student or could be. She was one of those people who hardly studied but if they did study they would give their undivided attention, however short the study time was. She'd started showing a lot of interest in psychology and was thinking of pursuing that, and I supported her not because she was my friend but because I felt like that would suit her, because she was good at talking to people and listening. And, she'd had a pretty shitty life in some ways, so she could relate.

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