Chapter 20: Prom Knight

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It's June 11, so I updated after 4 days, woohoo! 

Alssooooo, I found a picture of a preggers Nina (obviously photoshopped but it looks so REAl) and that too in a gown, so I've used this gown as Maddie's in this chapter! And yep, this is the cliche prom chapter (is it, though? ;)}

I apologise if this chapter does not make sense, this is mostly to explain Colton's real intentions behind his refusal to be with Maddie. I just wrote down something I'm not really proud of it, as such, but oh well.

Do enjoy the song in the media (if it shows!) its the one mentioned in this chapter :*



*1 week later*

One week had passed since Cass and I became close again, and it felt like that ghastly month hadn't happened at all.

Cass was Cass, but she wasn't, either. She was more...careful around me. I didn't like it, but I didn't say anything. After all, I was still scared of saying anything that might trigger something.

Well, I was scared, until I finally got fed up of her being quiet and not saying things like she always did.

"Cass!" I said, one day, while she helped clean out my room.


"You need to stop being moody and tell me what's going on in your mind."

"What? There's nothing going on in my mind, except for the fact that my freak parents found the weed stash in my room and are freaking out about it. Probably they'd smoke it up too because they can't control themselves."

I wanted to talk to her about it except I got the feeling that she entirely made up that story. Her parents don't check her room. At all.

"Cass, that is sad, but you and I both know what the real deal is. You're thinking about something that's related to me. So spill."

She opened her mouth to protest but then shut it. Cass was an expert liar but when she was caught, she dropped her act.

"I was just thinking about what you told me. About keeping the baby." She whispered.

My shoulders slumped. I'd been expecting this. "Oh."

"I mean, I have no right, of course, so whatever you decide, I'm with you 100%. You're a big girl too, Maddie. I know I've hardly been supportive in the past but now I want to try. So if you're keeping it, we can search for options and-"

"I'm not, Cass."

"I- what?"

"I was going to. Well, I was thinking of it. And that was stupid. I can't handle being a single mom; I know many people do but I'm not one of them. I called the adoption agency."

Saying these words hurt. I don't know why. I'd cut off Colton completely yet making this decision hurt. Even though this was my original plan.

"Oh. And?"

"Nothing, they had many prospective parents who wanted children. I just need to sign this document and then they take it from there, making me meet different parents. I haven't signed yet."

"Because your heart isn't in it." 

I nodded. "Believe me, Cass, I know I said that this is what I'd do. I believed that it would be easy being so detached. My mom warned me as well but I just never heeded her warnings. If I'd been strong like you, Cass, I would have done my best and kept the baby, handled college or gone to the community one so I could leave it at home and take care of it. But I'm not strong like you. So I'll have to do what I had planned originally. Better the child not suffer because of my stupid feelings."

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