Chapter 18: A Bunch of 'I Told You Sos'

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See, I promised that you'd get continuous updates for me being gone so long and I have. Isn't that nice? So here we are. While I haven't gotten much votes for the last two chapters, that's OK, because it will take time. For now, whoever reads this asap is really a gem, too. Thank you so much!

One can possibly guess what this chapter is about from the title. If not, you will soon enough.  The above gif is Cass' smirky face (god Kaya Scodelario is the spirit for smirkiness). She might sound more bitchy than usual in this. Please don't hate on her!

Dedicated to @little_red_wolf438 i know im late in dedicating but I was going through my notifs and you had voted a lot. So there you go :)



I don't know how long I cried- minutes, hours, or perhaps even days. OK, that is just an exaggeration, but it felt like days. I was holed up in my room, and it had no light because I just wanted to wallow in my sadness.

Or maybe because I didn't want to see Cass' smug face.

I knew it. I knew that the moment I told her about what happened she would feel like she won. She wouldn't show it, but that's the thing about knowing someone so well; I knew Cass liked challenges, and she'd warned me about how it wouldn't turn out the way I'd started dreaming about, that Colton would be around and be the perfect guy. Really, her being so grounded was a great thing, because at least she wouldn't fly off the ground with theories that sounded more like fairy tales than actually thought out stuff. Like me. Who dreamed about stuff. I suppose I really didn't have the real life experience that she did. I was a fool. And her face showed just that, so I hid in the darkness.

Until she got impatient and switched on the light and I did my best not to hiss at it like a vampire. I tried to adjust my eyes to the sudden onslaught of light.

"What the heck, Cass!" I whined, stuffing my face into the pillow before realising that it would lower my oxygen levels which would be bad for the baby.

"You need to pull yourself the fuck up and stop behaving like a typical damsel in distress."

"But I am in distress!" 

"No, you're not. You're just coming to terms with the reality of the whole situation. It's shocking, I suppose. But your brain is trying to come to terms with the fact that something like this happened. Or, maybe it's just realising how typically stupid you've been."

To an outsider, Cass' word's would have sounded harsh. But I knew that harshness meant how deeply Cass cared, and how she hated showing it. Still, there wasn't any sympathy in her voice. 

"It was an honest mistake to make."

"No, it wasn't, Madison. When the fuck are you going to get it? I told you. Trusting a teen guy? Bad. Trusting a teen guy who got you pregnant? Worse. Trusting a teen guy who gives you a story to turn your head around? The worst kind."

"His sister's death was not a god-damn story, Cassandra." I snapped. 

"And here you are still defending him."

"And I will continue to do so. You've always been such a bitch to him regarding that."

"Oh, please, forgive me for being a little suspicious about the sudden appearance of a sister to one of the town's bad guys. You forget I've known Colton longer than you, Maddie."

"And you seem to have forgotten that there something called Google which you can use to search on things you have doubts about." I replied just as coldly. Cass fell silent. I continued.

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