65: Deer Me!

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Summary: the wait is over

Ron looked around. Where was he? He wanted to say this was the Forbidden Forest, but he couldn't recall ever leaving his bed. Besides, that forest had dangerous creatures in it; this one felt emptier than a classroom on a warm summer day.

He moved forward, his feet taking him between the looming trees. It was so dark he couldn't see more than a few feet in front of him, yet nothing tripped him up.

He dared to call out. "Hello?"

Nothing but his own voice echoing off the trunks answered him. How odd.

At some point, he became aware of a soft, silver glow ahead. Heart pounding for reasons he did not yet understand, Ron hurried forward. The light became brighter and brighter and just as he was about to burst into a clearing, he blinked and found himself in darkness once more.

He wasn't alone. Hermione lay curled up against him, her warm breath fanning his neck. Ron watched her for a few seconds before forcing himself to look away and try to remember his dream.

He had been in a forest. And there had been a bright light. What could that mean?

He told Harry and Hermione as they were heading down for breakfast, but neither were awake properly to give a good guess.

They fell silent as they neared the base of the stairs. A light illuminated the carpeted floor, casting a shadow of a person.

"What's that?" Harry wondered, wide awake now. He padded down the last steps and followed the source.

Sirius was standing in front of a glowing figure, his eyes wide with astonishment. Now Harry could see the glow was in the shape of a doe.

"Lily." Sirius gazed at her with wonder. Then he blinked. "No, that can't be right. She's not here."

"Do you know anyone else with a doe Patronus?" Harry asked.

"No. Unless..." Sirius paused, his brow furrowed. "Snape."

Harry turned back to the doe with renewed interest. She was still waiting, and when Harry cautiously approached her, she  started to turn away. When he did not move, she stopped and turned back.

"Do you want us to follow you?" he asked.

The doe dipped her head.

Harry exchanged a mystified glance with Sirius. "I'll go tell Remus," he muttered and hurried off.

Ron stepped closer to the doe, his eyes flicking over the walls, reflecting the silvery light. "Just like in my dream."

When Sirius came back, the doe took off again, gliding through the door like it wasn't there. "Ron, Hermione, go and eat. Harry and I will follow the doe."

The two nodded and watched as Sirius and Harry carefully opened the door. No one was in sight. Harry threw the Cloak over him and Sirius, who had to bend his knees to keep his feet hidden. Then they started forward.

The doe led them through the streets, sometimes doubling back when there were people, and eventually came to a halt at the edge of the woods, where an abandoned shop lay.

A figure stepped out. "Harry?"

Harry hesitated, casting a glance at Sirius.

"Go on," he murmured.

Taking a deep breath, Harry removed the Cloak. "Snape. Prove it's you."

"Severus Snape. Current headmaster of Hogwarts. You took Occlumency lessons with me."

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