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Quietly leaving through the front door, the four teenagers made their way to Toppers black jeep. Sarah automatically jumped into the passenger seat and Topper was driving, so Laura was stuck with Rafe in the backseat.

As they were getting into the car Laura's hand brushed passed Rafes fingertips as she hoisted herself in the car that was to tall for her to step in. His heart fluttered at this motion but he would never show it.

Rafe didn't know how to show affection, his family never gave him any, reasoning he didn't know how to show any either. He grew up with Sarah always being in the spotlight. He was blamed for everything that went wrong in the Cameron household. He grew to not let them get to his head, but he still had a sensitive spot.

Arriving to the party, Sarah came over to open the brunettes door for her. Both the boys made a lap around the pool house to fist-bump their friends. Topper had found his way back to Sarah and soon they both disappeared, leaving Laura by herself.

Since she didn't know anyone, she had just walked around a couple times to imbed people's faces in her mind for future use. She had a couple drinks making her a little tipsy, but in order for her to get out of her bubble, she needed more.

Many shots later and talking to many unfamiliar faces, she made her way over to a coffee table outside on the pool deck. Three guys were sitting there with a small blonde girl dressed like a hooker.

As she crept closer she tripped over herself while she felt warm hands catching her body, "Yo, you alright?"

She looked up to see Rafe Cameron had caught her, pulling her upright, "Y-yeah, I'm f-fine," she slurred to the kook. "I think I'm gonna get another drink."

She was making her way inside with her hands holding herself up on every wall she could reach. She was to drunk to notice the kook was following her. After she took a random cup on the island table, a hand appeared behind her, snatching the cup from her reach. "Heyyy," she scoffed as he put the cup down again.

"Where the fuck is Sarah, she should be taking care of this shit," he looked around but no kook princess in sight. "Probably fucking Topper," he scoffed to himself.

Hesitantly, he grabs the girl under her legs and brought her out to Toppers car.

"You're kinda hot Rafe," she giggled to herself as he put her seatbelt on in the passenger seat. "Wheres S-Sarah and Topper?"

"You are fuckin wasted Stowell."

"How come you didn't drink?" The brunette asked while the boy put the keys in the engine.

"Ive gotta do something on My Druthers with my dad tomorrow," he paused, "Shit, why am I explaining this to you."

"I'm listening," she put her arm on the middle console and put her cheek in her hand expecting him to go on.

"Man, I don't know, my dad just expects so much of me. It's a lot of pressure, I'm out of highschool and I don't even wanna go to college, but I have to because I gotta 'follow in my dad's footsteps.' It's just to much sometime-" He looked over to see the girl sound asleep against the window.

He took his glance back on the road and took familiar turns to his house not to far from Toppers. He went to get her out of the passenger seat and pulled her on him. He rested her head on his shoulder comfortably, so she wouldn't have to wake up.

He opened the back door quietly and slid it shut with the girl still resting on him. After taking his shoes off he quietly crept up the large staircase, bringing her into his room because it was the closet to the steps.

Arriving in the room, he carefully closed his door and put the girl on his bed, taking off her shoes. He slid her under the covers while he made his way over to change into his pajamas. He wore his usual plaid pajama pants and no shirt, it was the comfiest.

After that he turned on his fan and TV finding a show to watch while he falls asleep considering the late time. He turned a random show on, 'The Vampire Diaries.'

He peered down at the girl comfy as ever in his bed looking at her soft features. He noticed the bump in her nose that made it curve down a little, her soft jawline and plump lips. Her eyelashes layer comfortably on her cheeks while her eyes wandered in her dreams. He never found himself staring at the girls in his bed, but his gut says somethings different.

This feeling scares him. The feeling of committing, letting his guard down. It makes him feel weak and vulnerable. The only people he let his guard down was for his family, and they seemed to disappoint, so he never tried again.

He then started drifting off to sleep, next to the brunette in his bed.

Little did he know, Laura heard what he said in the car, she felt for him, she felt his burning need to be loved, she understood him. She felt the need to be there for him, even with the little time they've known each other.

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