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A normal summer Thursday. The sun peered through the sheer curtains waking up the one and only Laura Stowell.

She made her way over to her bathroom sink and turned the knob in her shower. Waiting a minute for the water to warm up she then striped her clothes off stepping into the glass. She let the warm water soothe her body just for her to look down and see purple marks left over from last night.


Luckily, they were unnoticeable with clothes on, but not a tank top. She groaned in annoyance before grabbing her lavender scented body wash.

Once she was done with her shower she wrapped herself in her towel and turned the music off, just to see an outline sitting on her bed. "Rafe! Holy shit, you scared me," she jumped before slapping the back of his head.

He laughed at her, before he noticed the discoloration on her collarbone, "Boy did you have fun last night."

She cocked her head confused until she brought her hand up to her neck, "Fuck." Her cheeks were turning red from embarrassment while he continued to laugh.

"Why are you even here," she asked. Rafe being in her house wasn't an abnormal thing, he had a key to her house. Usually he would come when he has nothing to do or wants her to go hangout someplace.

"I was wondering if you were still up for the whole 'teach you how to surf' lesson?"

"Yeah, of course. That actually sounds better than sitting at the country club watching you golf all day,"
she snorted.

Rafe threw his hand to his chest with his mouth clinging open letting out a sarcastic gasp, "Ugh, how disrespectful, I am one of the top golfers on the island you know. You should be thankful."

Laura turned her head to look at him raising an eyebrow, "A privilege," she smiled before turning her attention back to her closet.

Once she picked out her bikini, she walked over to the bathroom cracking the door. She dropped her towel and put on her baby blue bikini. Soon the door opened with Rafes arm leaning on the doorframe, making his muscles a little more toned than usual. "So, who's the lucky guy," he pointed to the marks trailed down her chest.

She finished buttoning her jean shorts rolling her eyes at the boy, "Wouldn't you like to know? Jealous?"

"Any guy on the island would be," his cheeks reddened from embarrassment while she snorted pulling her hair into a messy bun. "Hey, guilty," he put his hands up in the air shrugging.

She looked into the mirror one last time, "You're right, i'm hot," she said as she moved her way past the boy as his eyes followed her.

She grabbed her keys, wallet and phone and shoved it into her bookbag which carried a towel and a bunch of other clothes. "Trip to the liquor store Mr. Cameron?"

"Drunk surfing for your first time?" He paused, "Hell yeah."

The two continued in his charcoal jeep to the liquor store, successfully with Laura's fake ID, and the Cameron's residence to gather the materials for surfing.

When he was putting the boards and whatnot in the trunk, he entered the drivers seat with his eyes glossy. He looked down so she wouldn't notice and started the engine.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

He let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in and rested his head on the steering wheel, "Nothing."

"Are you sure becau-"

"I'm fine Laur alright!" He snapped. Lately he's been acting like a ticking time bomb, and there it was, he blew up. The rest of the car ride was silent. Once they arrived they silently took the boards out of the trunk and made their way with their things.

"I- Im sorry i snapped at you. I was just made at my dad and-" he blurted out randomly, his eyes fought back tears and layered with gloss.

"It's okay, i know," she hugged him and drew circles on his back to comfort him. They hugged what felt like forever and eternity, but they had to start surfing sometime.

"Drinks?" she held up a case of twisted teas and grinned at the boy in front of her.

He grabbed a bottle and smiled, "Laur i really love you right now."

She gasps dramatically and fell into his arms, "The one and only Rafe Cameron loves me, i'm honored!"

He smiled and spun her around in his arms before he walked her through the steps of waxing the surfboards, although it was sloppy from being they were a little tipsy.

Laura walked over to her bag opening it before slowly sliding her shorts down her legs knowing Rafe was watching. Then she slowly took her shirt off tossing it to her bag and running to the water.

The buzz continued through the twos veins as Rafe followed the girl watching her curves lighten up from the sunlight. Once she dove into the the water he stopped himself to watch her rise up. Her hair was wet and slicked back and her forest green eyes peeked through her eyelashes. The baby blue cloth hugging her body just right as he walked in the water next to her.

She soon then grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down with all her body weight. After he sunk down and came back up with the weight lifting off his shoulders, his hair was flat down before he shook his head and ran his fingers through his dirty blonde lockes. Some pieces falling in front of his forehead before his emerald green eyes looked into the girls and locked eye contact.

She decided to grab the back of his neck and sit herself on his lap. She nuzzled her head into his chest with his eyes peering down at her with adoration. She felt his heart beat quicken as she moved her waist on him comfortably, she knew it drove him crazy.

Although these two souls often argue, they both knew what their real feelings were, and cherished these moments they shared together. Laura, in fact, knew she had him wrapped around her finger and loved to tease, and it drove Rafe crazy.

His emotions for her were deadly. The way he loved her was unreal, but he knew he wasn't good enough for her, so he joked but he didn't ever want to date because he's scared. The one heart he wants, he can't have. He cherishes it but can't have it. He knows how he is with girls, he commits then leaves, he can't help it, and he would never forgive himself if he did that to her.

He wasn't good enough.

His skin laced with alcohol and cologne tangled with Laura's perfume scented skin. The two were so close their noses were almost touching. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he couldn't, he couldn't make her one of the girls on his list. She was different.

He grabbed her hips and flung her into the water causing a splash to smack him in the face. "Fuck you Cameron!" she shouted as she came up and rubbed the salt out of her eyes.

The two continued in the water as the buzz of alcohol slowly faded away. It was almost sunset when they got out. She laid on her towel that was on the ground hoisting herself up with her elbows. The water drops on her skin slowly evaporating into the warm sky as the sun set into the waves.

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