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The words of the brunettes raspy morning voice echoed as she checked the time on her phone that read 10:45. She quickly gathered her belongings scattered around the sand and dumped them in her bag before dressing herself hurriedly.

The boy next to her groaned and pulled her leg as she fell down next to him, "Rafe, get off i gotta go." The boy ignored her as he tightened his grip on her while his eyes were still closed. She -without a thought- slapped Rafe to get his grip loose.

"What the fuck, Laur?" he whined as his eyes shot open due to the stinging on his skin. Before he could catch his sight, the girl was gone. He checked his phone, seeing the date. "Oh my God," is all the boy said to himself before he quickly shoved his things into his backpack as he ran to his car starting the engine.

But something reflected in the sun, catching his eye. He looked in his center console and wrapped around his stick shift was Laura's necklace, the one she never took off, but he had convinced her too so she wouldn't loose it in the ocean.

Meanwhile Laura ran the next couple blocks to the Stowell residence only to see an empty driveway. Catching her breath, she collapsed to the heated pavement, dropping her belongings that were once in her hand.

Laura knew the days when her mother would come back, she wrote it down on her calendar so she wouldn't miss it. She never has, anyway. The one day before Laura's mother went away to Europe for the next couple months, she missed, and it was her fault.

She heard tires screech following the slam of a car door in front of her, but she didn't bother to look up with her glossed filled eyes and reddening cheeks. The voice of the boy in front of her brang her comfort, but nothing could make her feel better at this moment, not even Rafe Cameron.

The boy apologizing and calling the brunettes name as he's running up to the girl. He pulls her up and supports her with his hand around her waist as she looks up at him. The girl who always had a smile on her face, didn't. She was broken, and it was his fault.

A single tear escaped Laura's eye while she sat on her bed with a blank stare. The boy paced the room with his hand running through his hair aggressively, "Laura, I am so fucking sorry. It's my fault, i shouldn't have kept you out late, fuck, i shouldn't have taken you out to begin with. You should've been here."

The first words came out of the girls mouth since she came home, "Its not your fault Rafe." She spoke softly, her voice cracking. She didn't want him seeing her like this, broken and helpless. She hates feeling vulnerable, even by the only person she felt comfortable with.

She got up off the bed, wiping her tears away and exited the room without a word. She ventured downstairs, into the kitchen to a brown paper bag which had a small folded piece of paper taped to the side.

What she didn't know, was Rafe followed her downstairs, peering into the kitchen watching everything unfold.

Laura ripped the note off the bag, carefully unfolding the brittle piece of paper.

I really wish we could've spent the morning together before I left for my trip, but it seems you aren't going to make it. I want you to know that I might not be coming back for a little longer than expected. I left you money in the safe if anything happens, and for food. I hope you know i am doing all of this for you. Please keep in touch,
I love you bug.

Rafe didn't know what the note said, but whatever it was, it was bad. The guilt pumped through his blood as his heart paced sped up once the girl broke down. Streams of tears flooded her cheeks as she banged her fists were against the marble counter. The boy immediately ran up to the girl, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Not many moments later the girl collapsed into his arms completely helpless. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face was hot, cheeks many different shades of pink and red. "Why does she leave me, she's never here," she quietly cried out into Rafes chest.

He ran his fingers through her tangled hair tightening her grip on the small girl in his arms, feeling her rapid heartbeat and warm skin against him with small droplets of tears on his shirt. "I know, i'm here. It's okay, baby," thankfully the girl was to drunk in sadness to realize his choice of words, but he spoke his words so naturally, like it was routine. But suddenly the girl in his arms looked up into his emerald green eyes.

"I love you Rafe."

He knew this wasn't the right moment, but his heart completely burst inside of him with butterflies invading his stomach. The girl he could hold forever, loved him. Now, he knew she didn't mean it that way, but he could only imagine. "I love you too," he spoke softly, his hands rubbing up and down her back.

He meant his words. He knew from the first time the two met, she was special. He would never admit it, but he did love her, and he hoped and dreamt for a future with her. She was the only girl who could bring him out of his anger and pain. She was the only girl who he'd talk to about his parents. She was the only girl for him.

The two sat together for what felt like forever. The greened eyed boy decided to carry the soft skinned girl into her room, so she was comfortable. He carried her up the stares, taking a glance at her blank eyes every once- in- a- while.

As soon as the girls warm body hit the soft blankets, she was out. Rafe decided to leave her be, but before he could leave he found himself setting her things up for her when she wakes up.

He put on her favorite show -which he researched about so he could talk with her about it- The Vampire Diaries. Next he laid out comfy clothes she wore often, a plain tank top with lounge shorts. He plugged in her phone and brang up a glass of water. He closed the curtains so the sun wouldn't wake her up and shut off the light, taking one last glance of the precious girl before him.

The words that have been exchanged earlier flickered in his mind the rest of the day. Still worried for the girl, he texted her before he went to sleep, with the empty spot in his bed eager for her.

"I really care about you Laur. I'm always here."

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