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The next couple days Laura hadn't been outside of her house, living off doordash and Netflix. She had turned her phone off to advoid any notifications reminding her of the events before she went M.I.A.

She hadn't known if Rafe had told anyone about the situation so she had just shut it off completely not wanting to relive the events.

Finally deciding she has to get her shit together someday, she got out of bed with wobbly legs to clean her messy room. Picking up clothes and organizing them into piles to then put away or throw in the washer, and bringing down any old dishes and cups and threw them into the dishwasher after rinsing them off.

Hesitantly deciding if she wanted to turn on her phone or not, she did, only to play music in the shower. Before she could put in her password, over 50 texts and missed calls appeared on her home screen. She scrolled through to see the usual, 'I hope your okay' and 'We miss you' texts. That was until she found her finger hovering over a certain boys name. Suddenly a knock at the door pulled her attention away from her phone. She was used to knocks, from her friends trying to get her to open the door, but she never would.

Since today was the day she opened her phone, she walked slowly down the cold steps while the doorbell continued to ring.


She opened the door to a broad, blonde boy with ocean blue eyes. His face pasted a puzzled look, since nobody could get her to open her door. "Woah, you need a shower," he laughed.

She gestured him to come in, still confused, "I thought you would be the very last one to show up here." He ran his fingers through his hair giving a small grin. "Why are you here away?"

"I don't know, I just thought I should try. You know you're the talk of the island right?" He laughed assuming she knew.

Her smile fell from her face as her eyes wandered on the floor, "No, w-what are people saying."

"Just that your basically a ghost now," he tried to lighten the situation, "But i can see you so, i think i can confirm your not."

She gave him a light-hearted smile before walking up the stairs with him following. Her mind raced with thoughts of what Rafe could've said about her, she knew she didn't mean the words she said, she was just upset about her surroundings, and plus, they were only friends, right? The sound of JJs boots clanking against the stair beds interrupted her thoughts.

Once the pair had made it to her room, the boy fell dramatically on her warm bed making himself comfortable after throwing his shoes on the floor. "Oh the memories," he snickered.

"Shut the fuck up," she laughed before she picked out new clothes and threw them on her bathroom sink. Following, she turned the shower water on and turned it to hot, waiting for the water to warm up and undress. She closed the door getting a view of JJ on her bed picking some weird, superhero comic movie, she smiled to herself and closed the door.

The warm water fell down her body, hugging her curves and making her tan look darker. She slicked her hair back with small droplets escaping falling onto her sun-kissed face.

Soon, she heard the door creek open, she peeked through the glass door to see the same blonde boy who was once in her bed. "JJ, get out."

lovesick (rafe cameron)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora