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A question sounded in Bruce's head. Had he done the same to Damian, if the boy had taken the same steps as Jason? Would his attitude have been the same as knowing that Jason was his son of his blood and flesh? He put the gas in full throttle, shook his head, felt nauseous when he remembered when he took Jason to Ethiopia to remember with the sole objective of recovering Damian, the boy he had in front of him maybe was his first-born, if the all the things said the Joker were true, if they are, then he was in charge of destroying his own son tortured since childhood. He had him in front of his nose all the time, an unknown son subjected to violence, abuse and abandonment in early childhood, and brutalizaded in his protection by the Joker.Bruce only gave him the same lifetime only with a touch of hope, promises to have for the first time in his life the thing of the child coveted the most, it was not wealth or comfort, it always was family, someone who loved and protected him, a father or mother who treated him as a son, not as a soldier.

Batman arrived to the cave, jumped out of the vehicle, the urge to confirm the information overwhelmed him, making him want to vomit. He wanted to know and at the same time stay in the dark, ignorant of the knowledge. But the detective always won and there was also the father, a bad father but finally a father who wanted to find his son and hug him never to let go."B we have a situation, a robbery in the Bank of East West" -informed Drake getting ready, but Batman seemed not to mind, there was something that required his immediate attention.

"Is Dick here?" Batman asked.

"Here" yelled the boy doing pirouettes in the air until he reached Batman.

"Can you take charge tonight with Luke and Cass? Take whoever you need, except Tim, or Barbara" The Batclan blinked in surprise, Batman rejecting an emergency? "Take Robin too."

"Uh? Yeah, I get it." - Nightwing answered doubtfully questioning the situation inside him.

Batman waited for them to come out of the cave to be left with only the assets he needed. Tim and Barbara looked at him impatient "are you going to tell us what it's about?" Barbara coaxing him with the direct question.

"Barbara, Tim I need somehow to find Jason's DNA, it's urgent" Batman was already moving through the cave looking for something.

"Bruce, it's impossible to get the files back" Tim said uncomfortably "What's your problem Bruce? What's the urgency? Can you only leave him alone, Jason is not going to commit any crime, he hasn't even been heard much about, and for we known even the League has considered him as a viable element to work together without having to belong to them. Well if he wish talk to they someday. "

Batman walked to the showcase where Jason's suit was without hearing Tim's chatter, maybe he found something, a little blood, hair, but it was washed by Alfred before putting it in its place "The helmet" he whisper before get out running to the room of Damian.

Barbara and Tim looked at each other worried, confused and annoyed, always so many secrets. After a few seconds Bruce threw the helmet at Tim to find any trace that would work, then he opened the case almost breaking it and threw the suit towards them "ENOUGH BRUCE! JUST STOP IT! - shouted Barbara angrily "I'm not going to participate in this new hunt from Jason, NOT without good reason! "She jumped up for her sit turn around to see to Tim "Tim? "She call him waiting for his reaction.

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