Parte sin título 27

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Batman felt dizzy. The suit, the rips, the torn mask, all in the same way that he found Jason in Ethiopia, and the worst part happened just a few days ago.

A letter came into the hands of Batman. The Joker claimed to have a certain little bird in his possession. Immediately Bruce checked every last one of his children and they were all fine and busy except one.

Bruce's stomach dropped, the worst scenario running through his mind. That night no only his sidekicks fly into Gotham.

"Call it a hunch, but I have a bad feeling" were his words to Clark to summon any available target.

Unaware that fate had been sealed prior to their arrival Batman and the team landed in a silent booby-trapped warehouse. The team dodged trying to reach the target while strapped to a chair, unfortunately the warehouse exploded before anyone could reach the hostage.

The police report noted the appearance of a body found in the warehouse, it was horribly mutilated, it was as it had been put into a blender, multiples fractures, cuts, separated limbs was the result. The Joker get his last joke, from an avenging angel wich descended from heaven or the hell itself to finish him off.

"The Joker must have run into someone he shouldn't have. Regarding the hostage, there are no traces, if the body was thrown into one of the chemical containers, impossible to know" explain the GPD investigator, leaving more questions than answers.

Barbara only found a video of the Joker holding a small bundle, but it could be anything from a child to material for his misdeeds, so Bruce quelled her anxiety that Jason had been in the Joker's hands. But still his son was still missing. But now in front of his eyes there was a little boy who was the spitting image of Jason, a million things were going through Bruce's head.

"Jason" Batman muttered almost shakily.

"That's my name, don't waste it."confirm with a big smile all teeth the boy.

This face, the sound of his voice and the way of called "old man" transported Batman to the past, the past that he longed to return to redeem all his mistakes.

Batman suddenly took him by the arms wishing the little Robin wouldn't disappear, he needed his son to be alive, no matter the presentation, a big and bad Red Hood, sweet and tender like Robin or or just your rebellious and smart boy Jason Todd. Bruce would take what that fate threw him. He appreciated the solidity of the small body, instinctively he went to check on his little son "Are you hurt?" launched the question already with his hands on top of Jaylad's.

"Damn! How high are you flying old man?" The little boy squirms and pulls his hands away from the restless hands of the bat. "Stop! hands off! what the hell is wrong with you? I didn't know you were so restless. Give me a break, what are people going to think? What will people say ? look Batman is assault a minor", Little Robin tried to jump away, but Batman was reluctant to let it go. "Stop crazy old man! It's just some scratches from the explosion." he screeched once more.

Batman's breath caught, his hands trembled at the word explosion, he was convinced that something happened that night during the encounter with the Joker.
Batman took all his strength not to not to yell, tossing little Jay into the Batmobile and taking him to the mansion to never let him out in that stupid uniform. "Are you Jason, Jason Todd?" asked in the calmest voice he could get out of his throat holding the little boy's shoulders carefully.

The boy looked at him with a frown wrinkling his nose something very typical of Jay when he was little and something was bothering him or he was just thinking too much "eh, yep" rub his neck "do you need me to spell it in four different languages? It's the second time you ask me."

Bruce nodded. "Okay, get in the car." his voice trembled overwhelmed by so many emotions in him.

The boy didn't move, just looked at the black gloves holding his arm before turning his attention back to the flustered bat-clad man "No way! I'm sure you've a concussion." The little head tilted like a curious bird, then placed two fingers in front of Batman's face "Let's do a test. How many fingers do you see?"

"Robin, we need to look at your wounds" Bruce asks but the boy emphatically denies.

"This Robin doesn't go anywhere without the answer" the little one demanded, repositioning his hand decisively with two fingers up "How many? answers the adult"

He wouldn't get a positive response if didn't comply with his son's demands. Batman sighed. "Two."

"Weeell, you're healthy, you are free to go at your mansion, cave or fly to hunt the bad guys" little boy kicking the air and punching between a couple of somersaults dispelling his doubts this was Jason, but there was a possibility that this was not his Jason.

Batman sighed rubbing his face "Jason you've to go to the house. You can't patrol alone." more later Bruce will try to find some explanation later, a time travel, interdimensional, but now patch the boy's wounds and put him to bed.

"MMMh, Wayne Manor you mean? Are you going to give me a ride in the Batmobile?" Little Jay stopped his retreat and went back to Batman.

"Is there another place? and yes in the Batmovil." Batman declares.

"Cool, but that will be later, for now I've to go get a phone"

"Let's go to the mansion there I'll let you use the phone" the boy blinked, then smiled broadly nodding.

"Super! but I drive" the boy's expression was mischievous, as relaxed as he had never seen it.

Batman couldn't help but laugh out loud "Impossible, you wouldn't reach the pedals."

"Calm down old man, besides I still don't have permission, so get off your ass and get me that phone." The little boy got into the car then came to babble about the Batmobile, about the inefficiency of the hooks on it, accessories that could be implanted and much lighter and stronger alloys that would make it lift off the ground.

"How do you know all that?" Batman could have sworn that this Jason was from another dimension for sure.

"I only read what I find." I shrug like it's nothing.

Batman was interrupted the conversation with the call of Batgirl informing that they had already contained the emergency of the escape from Blackgate, when he hung up the Batmobile was completely silent, his attention turned to the passenger who had fallen in a deep asleep. Batman couldn't avoid smile, his heart feeling warm, Bruce ran a hand through his messy curls, careful not to wake Jason. Today he would take his son home.

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